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Grudge Matches

NB Semi Evil Ryu

Former Sub-Zero of the Midwest (2011 - 2015)
Wait, is MK Legend that Kung Lao player that showed up one time? God, I honestly forgot he ever existed. Anyone knows what happened to him?
Yup, that's him. He showed up at Power Up 2012 and Seasons Beatings: Summer Slam. And then.....gone.


Scrub God Lord
The fight that everyone wants to see is Master KDZ vs. Pig
the sexual tension between those two is something else
we all know who would in a real or injustice match(Hint: not pig).
Slips vs M2Dave winner gets their character unpatched
Ricky vs Mileswrong
I laughed way too too hard at that l0l


cr. HP Master
Anything, but Brady Vs. Pig is wrong. It's been said in this thread, but I would actually pay money to see that lol.

Also, I agree with a previous poster. Pig will take it because Brady will be too worried about his hair products and facial massages to give a damn.

STB Shujinkydink

Burning down in flames for kicks
decay vs king
digit vs syknis
vida vs shady (props if anyone knows the reference)
altaire skinner the god vs KDZ
b-wizz vs chaosphere
gamerblake vs glass sword
vagrant vs c.o.r.n alucard
cd sr vs reno racks
elite goomba vs rational jim
wound cowboy vs shujinkydink
rm truth vs hysteria
guamo vs insuperable
grawlix vs deg
ultradavid vs jamesmk
gga moe vs winter warz
sonicfox vs tom brady
chris g vs other chris g (satsui)
whiteboi vs srryimwhite
curbolicous vs kinectic balding
dartharma vs fs sitting bull
filipinoman vs wonder chef
Id do it in MK.

We did a 20$ MM but the only console available didnt have quan unlocked....fucker
Let's say Injustice/Mortal Kombat players are locked in a steel cage and must battle to submission. What matches would you like tos see and who would win in the scenarios I list?

Rico Suave vs. Noobe
Pimpimjim vs. Revolver
Pig of the Hut vs. CD Jr
Theo vs. Dizzy
Carl vs. REO
Slayer vs. Wafflez(Joint on a poll match)
16 Bit vs. JOP(Sumo match)
Blind Ducky vs. Oxygen(Cruiserweight match)
Terry Brothers vs. Canadian Brothers(Tag Team Match)
Dink vs Jr