Also, I know this is probably just me, but I never use any meter for GA unless its a clash or a super. Is there really a need to use any meter as GA? I always save it for a potential super reset combo which has saved my ass so many times. I feel like that reset (when it actually lands) more than makes up for all of the combos I could have meterburned for additional damage.
You can use Dead-on MB after a ji 3 so that all 4 arrows connect. Its does 34% Damage. ( that move hurts )
For exemple :
Ji3, f2d1 xx d4, Ji 3 ( cross up ) xx Dead-on MB does 40% midscreen.
I'll experiment a bit more with this.

Edit: for some weird reasons damage is inconsistant and most of the time i get 39% its in between the two