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General/Other - Goro #GOROGAINS apparel!


King of the Bill
Back when I coined the term Goro Gains, it was just to hype up the stream chat and youtube video when I would flex after winning a match. You know like..


Well, what better way to make some Goro gains than hit the gym with this sweet ass attire I designed on RedBubble?? Despite having 4 massive arms, Goro is highly respected for his squat! How else can you explain his high jump, which allows him to jump off of the screen, and come slamming down on his opponent only a second later? I'll tell you how, he's not actually jumping, he's leg pressing the earth down... let that one sink in for a second.

Now you guys can indulge on some Goro Gains yourself, and keep the Shokan dream alive.


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