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Going back to MK from injustice.


Meow Hoes
After a month w/o mk I recently went back to it. Omg I have gained so many habbits.
- I hold down to block
- I keep thinking I can only break once a match
- skarlet is a pain in the ass to play with
- I jump in the middle of combos thinking you can follow up
- I keep trying to hit confirm ex moves
- I keep forget I can use 4
- my sodium level are high.
+ my patience has raised
+ my zoning has gotten better.

what are some habits or improvement you've notice in your gameplay

Sent from my HTC One using Tapatalk 4 Beta
After a month w/o mk I recently went back to it. Omg I have gained so many habbits.
- I hold down to block
- I keep thinking I can only break once a match
- skarlet is a pain in the ass to play with
- I jump in the middle of combos thinking you can follow up
- I keep trying to hit confirm ex moves
- I keep forget I can use 4
- my sodium level are high.
+ my patience has raised
+ my zoning has gotten better.

what are some habits or improvement you've notice in your gameplay

Sent from my HTC One using Tapatalk 4 Beta
You going to Barfights? The fate of local MK is in your hands T_T
seriously though we need everyone we can get.
lol "I keep forgetting i can use 4" :)
welcome back :)

id imagine going from injustice scorpion to mk9 scorpion is akin to getting out of a relationship and having to start using condoms again
that's the stuff you put on burgers and hotdogs right? not really a fan of condoms, just put some cheese on it, lol

+The controls are super responsive compared to IGAU.
+Not all specials and 50/50s are safe
+I can AA
+It's fun
+No waiting 20 minutes for the rematch screen
+ It's fun
+It's not IGAU
+It's fun
I'm DJ L Toro and i endorse this message :)


Meow Hoes
You going to Barfights? The fate of local MK is in your hands T_T
seriously though we need everyone we can get.
lol "I keep forgetting i can use 4" :)
welcome back :)
No I was planning on it but I'm stuck in Oklahoma till the 4th

Sent from my HTC One using Tapatalk 4 Beta


Shadow Priest
Back to block was the only habit that I brought from Injustice.

Everything else was just muscle memory.


My mom tells me I'm pretty
I have learned that Baraka's blade charge isn't Doomsday's shoulder charge. I can't meter burn it half way l0l0l0l
I have also learned that if you play Injumpin often, you'll never get a jump in on me in MK ;_;
I have also learned that most of my skill in MK is lost because I haven't played it in a while. I don't play Injustice, so I can't blame that for much :p