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Getting outzoned by liu kang!!

How do you deal with zoning annoying liu kangs? I can't zone him when he keeps doing low fireball and times his air kick to nail me on jump ins. What can I do?


Monster Island Tournaments
If you're far away and having trouble getting in and want a sure way to close distance, as soon as you block a firball use EX fastball. He will either have to block it which will give you a chance to elbow dash to close distance or he will eat it and you can get on top of him.

BTW his air kick does not hit you for some reason when you use either forceball, he wiffs and is punished by full combo.
Liu Kang's low fireball goes under Reptile's spit, but not under the force balls. If he's just doing low fireballs you should just be throwing balls all the time. Also as RapZiLLa54 mentioned, he can't use EX flying kick to get around your force balls, because it will sail right over Reptile's head.

Scoot Magee

But I didn't want to dash
If you block a low/high fireball and do any forceball immediately after coming out of blockstun you can get momentum against him. I'm not sure I remember correctly cause me and reo tested it last week but I'm pretty sure you're forced to take some damage if he throws a second fireball if you don't use ex. Still it's worth the momentum to get in on him and you really should save meter for breakers against kang outside of ex slow ball pressure after a knockdown.


Arez | Booya | Riu48 - Rest Easy, Friends
Vs Kang, you have to take damage to get in. And then up close, you have to deal with his pressure...and Reptile has to be unsafe to deal with it.

Matchup is one of our worsts, tbh.