1 = Anti-air option, tick throws and punishing of 7 frames. . Tick throw option on block. Follow up for 111~1+3(high, mid, overhead, grab) or 11dbd1.
D1 = poke 6 frames, safe.
D4 = good poke, good range and advantage on hit. Tick throw option on block.
F1 = good range, 14 frames, start pressure game, cancelable with db2 (-7) or f1~1+3, but unsafe (-9). Another option is dd block cancel.
2 = another tick throw, follow up for 241 is -1 (high, low, overhead) or 24db1b (high, low, low).
F2 = is a key move of geras, f2 bf2 is best tick throw, start combo with f212 (-3), f2 dd block give bait for another f2,bf2 and f22~1+3 (high,low, grab) active krush blow gives huge damage. f22 the second hit startes of 1/4 distance of geras.
F3 = 11 frames, close mid option, on hit f32 gives huge frames advantage and give 2 dash and command grab or another f3 in setup. F3 dd block give little advantage and on hit a f1 or f3, f3 is good tools the corner.
Jump d2 = best jump option, gives cross up atack
combos mid screen:
jump d2, f212,db3 or db1
jump d2, f212 fatal blow
f3,dd block cancel, f1~1+3,db1b
wakeup u2, bf1 amplify, d2, jump d2, 11bf2.
wakeup u2, f212,db2
wakeup u2, 111~1+3
corner combos:
f212, db3b, d1, 11bf2
f212, bf1 amplify, 3 or 4, db3b amplfy, ,24, 4bf2 or 11bf2
f212,db3b, f212, bf2
f212,db3b, f22~1+3
f212, 4, dd block, d1, 11bf2
f3,dd block cancel, can conected in combos.
all combos work in Geras VS Geras, but another caracter dont.
thanks to the killer xinok and kestshup for the videos and analyze.