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Geras Arcade Ending [Spoilers]


Geras is Kronika's pawn. He describes himself as a fixed moment in time, which is why he can never die. He does everything he can to help Kronika and eventually learns that the Earthrealmers are making their way to the Keep by boat. He shows up at the boat and after a battle with Raiden, gets entangled in some anchor chains and is booted off the ship into the Sea of Blood. The Sea of Blood is bottomless and he will sink forever.

I suppose because he's not technically dead he can't be a fixed point in time? Time shit is confusing, man.

In the arcade ending, he tries to take Kronika's power to do what she couldn't. Create the perfect timeline. But mortals are unpredictable and weird and dumb. So he fails as well. He decides that mortals don't need a time lord. They'll shape their own destinies no matter what. And with that he gives himself to the hourglass so that it may be self sufficient and autonomous.

TL;DR Geras learns he ain't shit so he kills himself and lets the mortals do whatever the hell they want.