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GameStop Pre-order Bonus Poster available for Mortal Kombat X

Regardless of the game's release date, this is probably the only current way to get this poster and I've seen posters cost more than $5... So in other words, I won't be pre-ordering the game, I'll be purchasing my poster tonight.
Just pre-ordered for the poster. Hopefully I can get it soon, then cancel- I'm still unsure what next-gen console I'll have by then.
Well when your married and have two lil ones to take care, IDC how manly you think you are she will always be the boss and will always run to household. A woman will always be in charge in the relationship, the idea you are in charge is just her allowing you to feel good about yourself.
I'm just joking around man.... Though don't jinx me with that "when your married and have two lil ones"... dats scary...


Nurgle Chaos God of Death and Disease
I'm just joking around man.... Though don't jinx me with that "when your married and have two lil ones"... dats scary...
Not trying to jinx ya buddy, but my two were not exactly planned ;) Though wouldn't trade them for the world, regardless of how much they can drive me crazy. My only regret was that I got married early into my military career, but at the same time I don't regret it.


Because some people like planning ahead of time, um some people like to pay off their pre order in chunks over time, umm good luck getting the poster a few days before release, because you're guaranteed your copy, enough pre orders EARLY enough get you a midnight release...there's plenty of reasons....ask everyone who didn't pre order Pay Day, Dead Island and South Park how well not pre ordering worked out for them.
lol. i didn't say you shouldn't preorder, i said it's silly to preorder a year before the game comes out. your butt's not hurt bro.


If someone happens to get their hands on this poster, could they please kindly let us know what the dimension measurements for it are? I would like to buy a frame for this poster.
here, idk the exact size but I put 360 cases next to it. maybe that will give you an idea of the size. 3 xbox cases fit perfectly. do the math.
Edit: just noticed you have one. my bad.