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Strategy Fuzzy guarding F2D13 and F2D1 xx arrow

Scoot Magee

But I didn't want to dash
This has been talked about before by other GA players like 7L if I remember correctly.

There's a specific rhythm that allows you to cover most of the options GA has in his F2D13 string. After the f2 you block low then high ~ low. This will cover the overhead (which will always come out faster) and the low arrow option. If done correctly this is very consistent and pretty much makes anything besides the ice arrow useless within this string if you're looking for some type of 50/50 guess situation.

The reason the ice arrow is still useful is because you can F2D1 xx overhead arrow (jumping downward shot) to counter a person that is using fuzzy guard on that string. Ice is the only arrow that wont whiff over a crouching characters head from that distance during the string. Still though, you have to know that they are trying to fuzzy guard the string.

There's still options with other arrows during the F2D13 string, I'm not saying they're useless. This is just in regards to people using arrows for advantage setups with electric and normal arrows. If people learn to Fuzzy the string correctly then GA players won't really have a reason to not finish the string before canceling into an arrow for followup pressure.

Honestly I only made the thread because I never see anyone guard the string like this. Pretty much everyone seems to just guess if it's going to be a low arrow or an overhead. I don't play that many different people so I could just be under a rock but it's useful info regardless.

Red Reaper

The Hyrax Whisperer
Yeah. It's good to know but whatever. I'm not going to nag people about their defense when it's benefiting me..

Krayzie has gotten really good at blocking it.

Scoot Magee

But I didn't want to dash
Yeah. It's good to know but whatever. I'm not going to nag people about their defense when it's benefiting me..

Krayzie has gotten really good at blocking it.
I hear you on that but I don't want to be the guy that's unprepared to deal with people who can guard it. I want people to use this because if they don't it's not the highest level of play imo.

Red Reaper

The Hyrax Whisperer
I hear you on that but I don't want to be the guy that's unprepared to deal with people who can guard it. I want people to use this because if they don't it's not the highest level of play imo.

You kould just tell the people you play with regularly.. I don't think posting this here will change much.

Red Reaper

The Hyrax Whisperer
I do. It's not like I'm can lose anything by posting it here though. It's good to have useful info in the forum.

True. It just seems like something people would know already and just need to practice.

Then again, these forums are semi-dead.. So w/e....


Heads up!
I don't get many people who fuzzy guard me. Swifttomhanks has blocking all of my mix ups to an artwork. If they start blocking my mix ups, I tend to just pull the arrow and walk backwards and cancel it at some points. An ice arrow that is drawn is one of the scariest sights to an opponent. You can easily counter anything they do if you make good reads. But once they understand they can armor b3 you, thats when you find trouble.

But yes, the overhead ice arrow mix up on f2d1 is a great option. I caught revolver with that a good amount of times because he does fuzzy guard most of my strings.

After most of my strings that are blocked, like f2d13 ending in a low arrow, I check them with a d1 to savage blast. If an opponent can get your mix ups fuzzy guarded, you tend to have a very rough time connecting your ice arrow.

Scoot Magee

But I didn't want to dash
The best way to counter the fuzzy guard without ice equipped is stinger. Imo I think EX stinger is the best bet because it does 15% and pushes them very far towards the corner. If they block it you eat a punish but at least you don't burn the meter. It's really the only way I've been able to keep his f2d13 string ambiguous.


Heads up!
Damn scoot. Risk reward man! 15% is too much of a risk haha. I'd just say throw the arrow and check with d1 savage blast. It's still chip and some neutral distance to make a move.

Scoot Magee

But I didn't want to dash
Damn scoot. Risk reward man! 15% is too much of a risk haha. I'd just say throw the arrow and check with d1 savage blast. It's still chip and some neutral distance to make a move.
I know, I don't like to play that risky honestly. You have to keep people honest sometimes though. If you know they're fuzzy guarding this will work 100%. When they don't want to eat the 15% you can at least go for the normal mix up because they'll try to block low.

After a blocked savage blast against some characters you end up in a tough spot. Also I don't think low arrow is +3 on block, it's more like +1. Characters with fast 6 frame d1's will just end up trading d1's with arrow.

Also f2 then b2 works ok. You can mix in throw also. When they start trying to poke out of it you can block/wait and punish depending on the character.

Scoot Magee

But I didn't want to dash
For the record I haven't even used stinger in the string yet lol. I know it does beat fuzzy guard though. Still though if you know they're fuzzy guarding there's no reason it shouldn't work. If they make stinger safe in the next patch that will be pretty good.