Perfect Legend
People are afraid to say anything for whatever reason not like you will be banned from events but:
No offense but I am sure we all would prefer if all future major tournaments are streamed by someone who can generate a higher view rate usually in the several thousands area not several hundreds.
Also uploads match videos at a faster rate instead of being lost in the archive.
Streamers get paid 1k to 2k to stream an event per event or maybe event per day depending on the event.
Since we all are paying for a service when we enter a tournament well it would be great if we got the best service for our money.
Commentators should be unbiased. No more biased people on the mic rooting for their friends while they are commentating. You demean our competition when you do this and it makes us all look childish and immature. More professional please. If you can't adhere to this then well don't get on the mic. We also don't need people on the mic talking about what is going on during the after hours of the event. Some people like to keep what they do before and after a tournament private.
Organization as far as brackets. If we are going to have someone run our tournament and draw out brackets then it has to be someone unbiased and knows the community. Volunteers are great but when you are just volunteering and don't know the ins and outs of what you are volunteering for you hurt all of us.
Please no more commentator station close to the players station. Its annoying enough that players have coaches because they can't think for themselves but when players can hear commentators it gets even sillier.
No more pools with nobody who is even notable in them. I'm tired of seeing free pools. No one should have a easy road and no one should have a ridiculously hard road. This is 2014.
No offense but I am sure we all would prefer if all future major tournaments are streamed by someone who can generate a higher view rate usually in the several thousands area not several hundreds.
Also uploads match videos at a faster rate instead of being lost in the archive.
Streamers get paid 1k to 2k to stream an event per event or maybe event per day depending on the event.
Since we all are paying for a service when we enter a tournament well it would be great if we got the best service for our money.
Commentators should be unbiased. No more biased people on the mic rooting for their friends while they are commentating. You demean our competition when you do this and it makes us all look childish and immature. More professional please. If you can't adhere to this then well don't get on the mic. We also don't need people on the mic talking about what is going on during the after hours of the event. Some people like to keep what they do before and after a tournament private.
Organization as far as brackets. If we are going to have someone run our tournament and draw out brackets then it has to be someone unbiased and knows the community. Volunteers are great but when you are just volunteering and don't know the ins and outs of what you are volunteering for you hurt all of us.
Please no more commentator station close to the players station. Its annoying enough that players have coaches because they can't think for themselves but when players can hear commentators it gets even sillier.
No more pools with nobody who is even notable in them. I'm tired of seeing free pools. No one should have a easy road and no one should have a ridiculously hard road. This is 2014.