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Funny stories about your spouse!


TYM White Knight
What you are about to read is a true story. It happened to a friend of a...alright it was me.

You are about to read actual chat transcripts of the creature that plagued my house today while I was at work. The hysteria and fear are real, the ending is still open...what will happen...NEXT!?

Wife: Also, I wish you were home to kill the huge bug/hornet upstairs lol

Me: Wait

Me: What?

Me: Where?

Wife: In the spot above the stairs. Ally (our cat) is watching it right now.

Me: The alcove? Is there a nest?

Me: You have to let me know because I will need raid if it is a hornet nest.

Wife: I don't think.

Me: I will check when I am done feeding Cohen, but I am scared.

Wife:It just started. I don't know where it came from.

Me: But what is it?

Me: You're saying it just started. What is "It"?

Wife: I dunno. really big. I didn't get to close. I would say a hornet though form the sound. Like I said I will check when I am done feeding Cohen.

Me: (Still trying to identify the creature) How big? Inside or outside the house?

Wife: Inside at the window in the cubby.

Me: Are they buzzing?

Wife: There is just one long bug.

Wife: Yes

Me: Oh. It's Just one bug?

Me: It's a single bug?

Wife: Yea.

Me: lmao kill it.

Wife: lol

Me: Is it a dragonfly?

Wife: No, fatter.

Me: Take the broom and kill it.

Me: Grasshopper?

Wife: I'm scared.

Wife: No hornet.

Me: It's a hornet?

Wife: A Big One.

Me: It's a Big Hornet?

Wife: That's what I think lol

Wife: I was too scared to get close.

Me: Take a picture lol

Me: If it's a hornet and it's bigger than a dragonfly...we got a record holder lol

Wife: It isn't that big. lol

Me: You're going to have to kill that bug.

Wife: Why?

Wife: Can't You?

Me: Because if it moved, we wont find it.

Me: I can, but that's 2 and a half hours from now.

Wife: Maybe Ally will...she is watching.

Me: Take the broom and kill it, or grab the vacuum and suck it up.

Wife: Wait

Wife: lol

Wife: We have a fly swatter.

Wife: I don't hear it anymore :S

Me: Go. Kill. It.

Wife: I can't get a good shot. Unless I get in the cubby and yes it is a hornet.

Me: I thought it was GODZILLA!

Me: Get the vacuum lol

Wife: Ok lol

Wife: I got him but he is still alive in the vacuum!

Me: So go empty it. lol

Wife: Nah lol

Me: Do it outside.

Wife: I will when it dies...

UPDATE- The creature has died inside the vacuum.

The world will never again be plagued by this menacing villian.

Screen Shot for Proof:

Post your funny amusing stories that involve your gf or a women in particular. Please do not be patronizing. These are true stories.


xbl-OBS trustinme
the best is when you stand up and walk into the kitchen and they ask 'where are you going'? I mean seriously? Just feel like saying ' oh sorry I forgot I could get to Narnia via the sweet cupboard'


bad at things
my girl is always playing hard to get. like ill ask her to hangout or go on a date via text and she just never responds, even when i send her like 15 texts in a row. then eventually ill just keep complaining and asking her to respond and she is all like 'leave me alone freak' or 'i dont even know you we had ONE class together'. im thinking tomorrow ill just show up and surprise her at work with flowers (i know she likes daffodils from this facebook comment she made back in 2009). sigh.. women! who understands them?


Warlock Nerd
what the hell man!!? i gotta know whats in that vaccuum now. i was looking forward to a comical ending to this story, but instead i get a mid-season finale??
you sir, are a master of suspense

(not patronizing)


Let's be serious here for a moment.
I honestly think that's a very revealing story...

"Grab a broom and kill it" ...?
"Or grab the vacuum and suck it up" ...?

Like, seriously dude? These are the first two weapons of defense, when you have your wife in mind?
Were you also wondering how your wife was able to discover the monster from the kitchen? HELL, WHAT IF SHE WASN'T IN THE KITCHEN? Did you get your sandwich, when you got home?

You're a macho, TakeAChance, you're a macho! Your wife needs someone who is more sensitive and understands her feelings.
thats cool!
like way cooler than this thread

Lets just say the first time I ever entered an international chat room many many years back, I was scratching my head why all the english speakers were saying lol so often. Because it's context was pretty much identical(can be used for fun/funny/good times etc)

Then I finally learned internet abbreviations and was AH, thats why :3


Warlock Nerd
lol isn't a word
fake as fak
i've become so accustomed to texting that i no longer laugh to verbally express what i find humorous. i just loudly blurt out "LOL!" with a straight face. if it catches on and enough people start doing it too then i believe it will officially become a word, according to the internet