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Tech - Pyromancer Fullscreen High Fireball Can Combo

Vak Phoenix

Hello Guys,

I have been sitting on this tech since MKXL Patch dropped and did not really share much of it, besides fireball being comboed into another fireball, which is written and shown in my Pyromancer guide.

Now, i know that some of you guys know this (people who play against me) and some other Tanyas as well. However check out this video to see exactly what i am talking about.

Awesome right?

Alright this occurs when opponent is ducking and is getting hit by the high fireball fullscreen. Tanya can run in a do a combo of her choice, yes a jump in works as well. For female opponents, they only have to get hit by the high fireball when they are ducking, as for the male opponents and Alien, they have to get hit by the low fireball and then duck and get hit by the high fireball, because the raw high fireball whiffs on males and Alien when they are ducking fullscreen.

I personally do not know if it is meant to be this way, but i have used this tech quite a lot if i see people getting hit by the high fireball when they are ducking. because it is very reactionary and the combo opportunity is pretty big.

I know i promised a vortex with Naginata in corner, but i am working on it to make the overhead guaranteed, since now only low and throws are. I will figure it out, no worries my Edenian traitors ;)

@ tanyas @16 Bit


Your hole is mine!
Is this the same principle as Kangs iAFB combing if you hit them after they're coming out of low fireball hit stun?


Meow Hoes
Yeah its the hit stun glitch thing. you recover faster if you hit someone thats all ready in hit stun.

So kitana can do ground fan air fan then assassin run.

Or if they block the second projectile you still recover faster.

Vak Phoenix

If you reflect her fireball and she gets hit by it, you can do a combo on her too. It happened to me once
yes that is true, that works with both of her projectiles though.

Yeah its the hit stun glitch thing. you recover faster if you hit someone thats all ready in hit stun.

So kitana can do ground fan air fan then assassin run.

Or if they block the second projectile you still recover faster.
depending on distance if she reflects tanyas fireball she can f22u4 and it will link

Also I think you can do the same with predators lasers full screen. I might be wrong though.,
maybe, if certain characters are able to do so, then why not. test it out.