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Full 1-31 character lists, in order


My blades will find your heart

Taken from JimmyPotato's awesome thread on MKU. Basically you post all the characters in the order of how good they really are(1 being the highest and 31 being the lowest). No need to get defensive, as it is really hard to make one of these, but it is fun to see all the different lists.

So anyway, to start off here is mine:
1. Kabal
2. Sonya
3. Raiden
4. Mileena
5. Smoke
6. Freddy
7. Shang Tsung
8. Jax
9. Kitana
10. Kung Lao
11. Cyrax
12. Kenshi
13. Rain
14. Liu Kang
15. Skarlett
16. Sektor
17. Reptile
18. Johnny cage
19. Quan Chi
20. Sindel
21. Nightwolf
22. Ermac
23. Noob Saibot
24. Kano
25. Scorpion
26. Cyber sub
27. Baraka
28. Sub Zero
29. Stryker
30. Sheeva
31. Jade


Come On Die Young
oh god... this will be tough. other than #1 my top 5 was N.P.O, but I'm going to do this anyway.

1. Kabal
2. Raiden
3. Jax
4. Kitana
5. Sonya
6. Freddy
7. Cyrax
8. Kenshi
9. Mileena
10. Kung Lao
11. Smoke
12. Sektor
13. Reptile
14. Scorpion
15. Johnny Cage
16. Shang Tsung
17. Quan Chi
18. Rain
19. Skarlet
20. Liu Kang
21. Sindel
22. Ermac
23. Sub-Zero
24. Kano
25. Baraka
26. Noob Saibot
27. Nightwolf
28. CSZ
29. Sheeva
30. Stryker
31. Jade

I swear 10-21 is so fucking hard. I could scramble that up randomly and I'd still agree with it. The differences in viability between those characters is so tiny. Consider #10 a 12-way tie.


RIP Ex Smash
1. Kabal
2. Cyrax
3. Smoke
4. Kitana
5. Raiden
6. Sonya
7. Kung Lao
8. Sektor
9. Jax
10. Mileena
11. Kenshi
12. Freddy
13. Scorpion
14. Rain
15. Shang Tsung
16. Liu Kang
17. Quan Chi
18. Johnny Cage
19. Ermac
20. Reptile
21. Kano
22. Sub Zero
23. Nightwolf
24. Noob Saibot
25. Stryker
26. CSZ
27. Sindel
28. Baraka
29. Jade

Sheeva and Skarlet don't deserve to be on the tier list because we still haven't seen what they can do.


missiles are coming
---- tournament viable ----
1. Sonya
2. Kabal
3. Smoke
4. Kitana
5. Jax
6. Raiden
7. Mileena
8. Freddy
9. Cyrax
10. Kung Lao
11. Reptile
12. Kenshi
13. Liu Kang
14. Johnny Cage
15. Shang Tsung
16. Scorpion
---- probably not tournament viable ----
17. Sub Zero
18. Quan Chi
19. Noob Saibot
20. Ermac
21. Skarlet
22. Sektor
---- not tournament viable ----
23. Sindel
24. Baraka
25. Nightwolf
26. CSZ
27. Rain
28. Kano
29. Sheeva
30. Stryker
31. Jade

STB Sgt Reed

Online Warrior
Ok, here we go...

1. Kabal
2. Sonya
3. Kung Lao
4. Cyrax
5. Smoke
6. Raiden
7. Kitana
8. Mileena
9. Johnny Cage
10. Jax
11. Kenshi
12. Freddy
13. Reptile
14. Liu Kang
15. Scorpion
16. Rain
17. Shang Tsung
18. Sektor
19. Sub-Zero
20. Ermac
21. Quan Chi
22. Sindel
23. Nightwolf
24. Kano
25. Skarlet
26. Cyber Sub Zero
27. Noob Saibot
28. Stryker
29. Baraka
30. Sheeva
31. Jade

NRF CharlieMurphy

Kindergarten Meta
1) Raiden
2) Kabal
3) Kung Lao
4) Cyrax
5) Sonya
6) Sektor
7) Kitana
8) Mileena
9) Smoke
10) Jax
11) Kenshi
12) Johnny Cage
13) Reptile
14) Freddy
15) Liu Kang
16) Shang Tsung
17) Scorpion
18) Sub Zero
19) Rain
20) Ermac
21) Kano
22) Nightwolf
23) Cyber Sub Zero
24) Quan Chi
25) Skarlet
26) Sindel
27) Noob
28) Stryker
29) Baraka
30) Sheeva
31) Jade

yay... i made a list. *eye roll*


Go to hell.
1. Kabal
2. Raiden
3. Jax
4. Sonya
5. Smoke
6. Kitana
7. Cyrax
8. Kung Lao
9. Mileena
10. Freddy
11. Scorpion
12. Kenshi
13. Johnny Cage
14. Shang Tsung
15. Ermac
16. Reptile
17. Liu kang
18. Sub Zero
19. Rain
20. Sektor
21. Quan Chi
22. Skarlet
23. Sindel
24. Nightwolf
25. Kano
26. Noob
27. Cyber Sub Zero
28. Baraka
29. Sheeva
30. Stryker
31. Jade

A few of these will blow your minds, I know.

cR WoundCowboy

WoundCowbae <3
1. Kabal
2. Raiden
3. Cyrax
4. Jax
5. Kitana
6. Kung Lao
7. Smoke
8. Freddy Krueger
9. Sonya
10. Mileena
11. Reptile
12. Shang Tsung
13. Sektor
14. Scorpion
15. Rain
16. Kenshi
17. Liu Kang
18. Johnny Cage
19. Skarlet
20. Sub Zero
21. Nightwolf
22. Kano
23. Ermac
24. Baraka
25. Quan Chi
26. Sheeva
27. Stryker
28. Noob Saibot
29. Sindel
30. Cyber Sub Zero
31. Jade

My list


1. Raiden
2. Kabal
3. Kitana
4. Cyrax
5. Smoke
6. Jax
7. Shang Tsung
8. Kung Lao
9. Johnny Cage
10. Mileena
11. Sonya
12. Liu Kang
13. Kano
14. Reptile
15. Skarlet
16. Scorpion
17. Quan Chi
18. Ermac
19. Sektor
20. Baraka
21. Cyber Sub Zero
22. Sheeva
23. Rain
24. Nightwolf
25. Freddy Krueger
26. Sub Zero
27. Sindel
28. Noob Saibot
29. Kenshi
30. Stryker
31. Jade


missiles are coming
Time to start teh arguments!

Death SwiftTomHanks

how the fuck is Rain the worst male ninja?
When rain does a 34 round house cancel you can jump over him every time. If he cancels and dashes foward since the dash to too slow now you get over him before he can continue pressure. His only answer to this is to gyser kick which is full combo punish on block. He gets out zoned since his teleport is unsafe and he has rather poor anti zoning abilities. What is nice is he has a great tool to get pressure off of himself - but that's it. To me there is no doubt that he is the worst ninja.


Come On Die Young
When rain does a 34 round house cancel you can jump over him every time. If he cancels and dashes foward since the dash to too slow now you get over him before he can continue pressure.
So he's just doing 3,4 roundhouse cancel over and over? No. The point of it to mix it up, and if you guess wrong and try to jump, you'll get hit with the roundhouse.


Rain for MK12 Kombat Pack 3
No, if he does 34 roundhouse without a cancel you can still just jump over it and land a cross up jump punch.
lol, no
absolutely not.

if he chooses not to cancel the RH, anything but a block will result in 27ish% damage and a reset for more cancel pressure.

Don't feel like doing the full list, so here's my opinion on the Male ninja's for now:
6) Sub/Noob

although, that list means dick all. I get blown the fuck up by Subs.