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Fraps makes the game run in slow-mo?


Trying to record a load of stuff for a video. The problem is that when I record at 30fps rather than dropping frames to draw (but still processing inputs and running the "game" logic at 60fps) the entire thing runs in slow motion. Which is actually really awesome for showing off combo videos, except I want a way of turning it off.

Any ideas? I've tried recording at 60fps and my computer was having none of it :/


Perhaps your PC just can't handle it.
Are you using a recent version of Fraps? Did you turn off "lock framerate"?

Start recording when you are actually in a match. Whenever I want to record with Fraps I need to make sure that I don't start recording early(character select-screen, menu, character intro's).
Otherwise the first few seconds will be in slow-mo. Don't have this issue with MK9 though.


From my experience in order to record with Fraps you need a rly good PC. I use Fraps as well to record my stuff on PC ( on consoles I use the HD PVR2 ).
I can usually record the footage of any game fluent for most of the time. Sometimes I get slow motion or lag when trying to record SSF4 live but when I record the saved footage from
the replay channel it works fine.
Close IE and any sites or downloads while recording maybe this helps.
There are other HD recording tools for PC too which dont use so much PC capacity like Fraps. Maybe try 1 of these.


Injustice modder
Turn off lock framerate. Also, you will get fps drops when you are recording. A good rule is to record on a different hdd so it will minimize slow downs and fps drops. You can try other alternatives like dxstory.


Okay, I've done fraps recordings for years and know how to set it up :). Most games drop frames but keep running in normal time. Injustice drops frames and starts running at half-time, which is the bizarre behaviour I want to try and fix.