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Frame data question


The saltiest
I remember seeing a thread about how to read frame data and all its info. I could possibly find my answer there but since I'm on mobile. It's a clusterfuck trying to even search something(iphone3).

So for example, I'm seeing a move that has 20 frames of "hit advantage". But 24 frames on "recover". If I land this move on my opponent, can I completely negate the recover frames or do those still play a big role even from landing the move.

I have a feeling recovery frames only plays a role in whiffed moves rather than making contact with the opponent. But I am asking to make sure.
Hit advantage takes into account recovery. So if hit advantage is +7, if you hit someone with that move, you'll be able to start an action 7 frames before they will be able to. Recovery frames are only really relevant if you whiff a move. That's the short answer.


The saltiest
Can someone explain to me how a special move/normal can have more active frames than recovery?..im confused in terms of whiffed moves having more active frames than recovery.