Art Lean
So I was starting to get the impression that anything labelled as simply "Found In the Krypt" meant it was from a Golden Kronika Vault only, however I've unlocked (among many others I expect) at the very least the Klassic Kabal mask, his Underdone skin and the Squad Leader beret for Sonya from just standard Towers of Time "random gear" rewards even though both had the simply 'Found In the Krypt' label.
Are these items not going to be in golden vaults do you think, or does it mean that golden vault items (like Jax's classic arms, which I missed) may appear through random ToT gear rewards if I keep depressingly grinding?
Are these items not going to be in golden vaults do you think, or does it mean that golden vault items (like Jax's classic arms, which I missed) may appear through random ToT gear rewards if I keep depressingly grinding?