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Florida School Board Shooting - Caught on Tape


Lose without excuses
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56-year-old Clay Duke took his own life today during a shootout with authorities at a Florida school board meeting, mere seconds after he fired at—and missed, thankfully—several local officials. The dramatic showdown was caught on tape—watch it inside.

While not necessarily graphic, some of you may find the following video—which aired moments ago on Anderson Cooper 360—disturbing:

"No one else was injured during the episode, much of which was captured on video, but Duke (who spent five years in prison on harassment charges in the early 2000s) fired his gun at members of the Panama City, Fla. school board, luckily missing each time. He accused the board of firing his wife, but refused to say who she was, or why she was fired. "We really don't know what he was talking about," Superintendent Bill Husfelt told the AP. "I don't think he knew what he was talking about."


In today's time, I can understand people getting desperate and outraged over money related issues. However, to take it as far as he did is completely irrational, juvenile and uncalled for. This is definitely not the way to handle it, which I think he knew that. It was obvious he had given up all hope, and was ready to die. It's amazing that he was the only one that got hit, let alone died. Either he was a terrible shot, or he was somehow missing on purpose. Either way, despite how bad those people may be, I'm glad no one besides the shooter was injured.

I would like to say, even though the lady that tried to "disarm" him had the right intentions, that was some dumb ass shit. She definitely has seen too many movies.

Tim Static

fucked up.

i saw the video last night and i was just flabbergasted.

You cannot underestimate mental illness in the world today. wow.


if he was younger, everybody would say he playd to much "killergames" !

stupid world... and it will be more badly every day....


Just goes to show you how desperate people can be nowadays.

For every ten sane men there's that one man that so unbalanced his actions will affect others.