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General/Other Flash's Phase Frama data.


What is going on guys, Ya Boi Zyphox here.
Just wanted to let you guys know that Phase has a 8 frame start up when you are phasing through physical attacks. i tested this by doing moves that are plus+ 1 on block and trying to phase flash's Flying uppercut just frame. i couldn't do it no matter what i tried, then i tried with flash's j2 on flash. which is +2 because a d1 beats out FU, and no am not doing a string when i tested the jump in i did j2 then i did d1 not jumping and d1d2 all in one motion, barely beats its out. since phase isn't a physical attack it won't trade with FU. it has to be at least 8 or 9 frames. i think this will help out more. the recovery frames seem correct but i don't know how to test how long the invincibility lasts. i know NRS said it once on stream the duration for physical attacks and projectiles were.

EDIT: also projectiles have the same start up tested fear blast point blank vs f2 which is -2 on block, 7 frame difference couldn't phase.

@AK Harold
@Master D.
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Flash God Lord
that sounds about right, if only it was actually zero start up frames... would be so godlike.

Btw, is it just me or is the TYM tagging system inconsistent? I don't get notified half the time I'm tagged in a post...