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Lose without excuses
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I love working out. And since I can't get a job right now, it's basically the most productive thing I can do. I've always wanted to be ripped, but never have followed through on a workout plan. I love the energy you get from working out regularly. I love how better it makes you feel, physically and mentally.

I've been working out lightly for the past month, in preparation for the P90X program. I've attempted the P90X twice. The first time I just lacked motivation. The second time I got injured. This time, I'm 100% motivated and I'm not going to over do it so that I injure myself.

If you don't know, the P90X is an intense workout program that lasts for 90 days, hence the 90 in P90X. You're basically doing different workouts everyday, 6 days a week. There's 3 phases, each lasting 4 weeks with a recovery week on the 4th week of the "phase".

Right now I've just completed Day 3, tomorrow is Day 4. I'll give you a run down on what each day entails.

Weeks 1-3
-Day 1: Chest & Back + Ab Ripper X
-Day 2: Plyometrics
-Day 3: Shoulders & Arms + Ab Ripper X
-Day 4: Yoga X
-Day 5: Legs & Back + Ab Ripper X
-Day 6: Kenpo X
-Day 7: Rest or Stretch X

Week 4 (Recovery Week)
-Day 1: Yoga X
-Day 2: Core Synergistics
-Day 3: Kenpo X
-Day 4: X Stretch
-Day 5: Core Synergistics
-Day 6: Yoga X
-Day 7: Rest or Stretch X

That's phase 1. The other phases are different, but not dramatically.

There's also a diet plan that you can follow. It comes with a diet book, with a whole different number of diets you can take on. I'm not a heavy person, at all. So I'm not going to go on a full diet plan. I am however watching what I eat, and eating good foods. Also I'm only drinking water and occasionally Powerade.

After the P90X, I will start with heavy muscle gain workouts. Such as bench pressing. The P90X is supposed to get you toned and ripped. Not really a big muscle building program. I don't want to get that big anyway, just something that I find satisfies me.

Post your workout routine, or your plans on getting in shape!


Lose without excuses
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Day 6 of P90X complete! Day 5 was a rest day, usually Day 7 is the rest day, but yesterday I went out and just was too tired to do anything. Today was Legs & Back + Ab Ripper X. Wasn't as hard as Plyometrics, but it WAS really tough. Tomorrow is Kenpo X!


Fujin and Ermac for MK 11
I love basics work outs, but also resistance work outs. Such as push ups, pull ups, sit ups etc, etc.

I work out at least 3 days a week for half hour or so, sometimes more but of late not as much due to the extreme heat...I don't like to do too much when it's 100 degrees. But spring, fall and winter I love working out inside with a fan on me and outside on a nice sunny day, not too hot or cold and walk.


Fujin and Ermac for MK 11
Yeah, that's true. lol Probably one reason why America leads the world in obesity sadly lol(well that and poor eating habits)


Fujin and Ermac for MK 11
That's because we all love all that suger they add to every single damn thing we eat.
Salt too remember lol, it's either salt or sugar. Now you see all these organic foods that are supposedly healthier.
I am used to those foods, that's where I buy most of the stuff I eat. It's expensive and it's not that good, I would much rather go eat fast food for cheap, but yeah it's very unhealthy. I only eat like a pig on Sundays.

I mean cmon who prefers a salad over a burger?


Lose without excuses
Lead Moderator
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One of the reasons why Americans are generally fat is because of the lack of self control. Also factoring in that foods that are bad for you taste so damn good. So good in fact that even when they aren't hungry, they just keep eating because they have nothing else to do and it tastes great. It's also as you said Zaq, lack of exercise. Even if everyone ate all the shitty foods, exercising would help a lot from keeping you from becoming fat. Or it could at least make you fit. I've seen technically obese people who are more fit than a skinny person. They just don't eat right.

This is all fine with me. If you're happy with yourself and being fat is what you want to be, then whatever it's your life. What I can't stand is people who make excuses for why they're fat. The fat people who don't eat healthy or exercise, but come up with excuses. "I've tried everything!", bull shit. Try actually going on a well planned out diet for 6 months and exercising 5 days a week. No, that's too hard for these lazy bastards. "Not enough time", bull shit. You only have to exercise 30 min to an hour a day. Then there are the people who claim hereditary problems. It's not "their" fault they're fat... yeah right. Even if you are fat because your parents are fat, that's NOT an excuse. People who are fit aren't fit because their parents are fit, they worked hard to be fit. Just get off your ass and stop eating cheeseburgers.


Fujin and Ermac for MK 11
@Sheiss, well yeah but also you have to realize as I'm sure most here do from USA lol you can't really go too far without finding or seeing a fastfood restaurant either...lol that doesn't help.

Everywhere else in the world there's not nearly as many fastfood places(I know mcdonald's is international) but we have so many, Mcdonalds, BK, Wendy's, White Castle, Denny's, so many not even in NYC that are around the country lol but you get the point I'm sure.

The lack of exercise I'm sure exists everywhere but America probably leads sadly...


Fujin and Ermac for MK 11
I would say there's the case of drinking, smoking too etc but that's pretty much worldwide lol.

Yeah, I'm just going by what I've heard and read compared to usa. One of my best friends sister is a stuartess, she's been all over the world literally. Says similar things to what you just described in germany. She's been to europe, mexico, south america, canada, parts of asia you name it, africa. I remember her telling me in certain parts there's almost nothing compared to usa and europe, real shame(such as parts of Africa and South America) for example.

I noticed now days though, in usa you're being offered more choices. I live right near a health store. Sadly, they don't exist that much lol. But you can buy berries, hard bananas, peanuts, organic food, pills/vitamins/supplements etc, juice etc.

I also don't do anything bad like smoke or drink. Drinking doesn't interest me remotely, tried it and think alcohol tastes like crap personally lol.

I love the smell of pipes but even though I read it's the best of 3 cigarettes, cigars and pipes it's still bad for you.

Now they have these new electronic smokes? It's vapor but has little nicotine, if they come out with one with no nicotine I'll maybe try it.

My diet could probably better, I don't like anything with caffeine though...I have some minor anxiety issues and don't want my heart to race at all unless I'm working out or something.

I eat pizza a lot but try to take off the cheese and just eat the bread and sauce, I like subway sandwiches mmm they're good if you get certain things and pasta, sometimes rice, eggs. I have an odd diet, but I'm not fat. Far from it lol. I also played baseball for years til two years ago, so I'm very fast short distance. I weigh 141, so yeah I'm a lightweight. My blood work, sugar levels are always good so far. I do drink soda a bit but I also drink a lot of juices, water as well. Supposedly beer/wine is good for you in moderation, but I hate alcohol. Wine made me fall asleep the few times I drank it.
I would say there's the case of drinking, smoking too etc but that's pretty much worldwide lol.

Yeah, I'm just going by what I've heard and read compared to usa. One of my best friends sister is a stuartess, she's been all over the world literally. Says similar things to what you just described in germany. She's been to europe, mexico, south america, canada, parts of asia you name it, africa. I remember her telling me in certain parts there's almost nothing compared to usa and europe, real shame(such as parts of Africa and South America) for example.

I noticed now days though, in usa you're being offered more choices. I live right near a health store. Sadly, they don't exist that much lol. But you can buy berries, hard bananas, peanuts, organic food, pills/vitamins/supplements etc, juice etc.

I also don't do anything bad like smoke or drink. Drinking doesn't interest me remotely, tried it and think alcohol tastes like crap personally lol.

I love the smell of pipes but even though I read it's the best of 3 cigarettes, cigars and pipes it's still bad for you.

Now they have these new electronic smokes? It's vapor but has little nicotine, if they come out with one with no nicotine I'll maybe try it.

My diet could probably better, I don't like anything with caffeine though...I have some minor anxiety issues and don't want my heart to race at all unless I'm working out or something.

I eat pizza a lot but try to take off the cheese and just eat the bread and sauce, I like subway sandwiches mmm they're good if you get certain things and pasta, sometimes rice, eggs. I have an odd diet, but I'm not fat. Far from it lol. I also played baseball for years til two years ago, so I'm very fast short distance. I weigh 141, so yeah I'm a lightweight. My blood work, sugar levels are always good so far. I do drink soda a bit but I also drink a lot of juices, water as well. Supposedly beer/wine is good for you in moderation, but I hate alcohol. Wine made me fall asleep the few times I drank it.
Try eating fruit salads, man.
I do compound movements, multi joint multi limb
I do deadlift, Squats , benchpress, pull ups and cleans.
Squats is the best exercise period.


Fujin and Ermac for MK 11
Try eating fruit salads, man.
Yeah, Scheiss another reason why I'm hesitant with the smoking thing/trying it is due to the fact that my father was a smoker for years, then he got diabetes, still smoked til 3 years ago(quit the second time in 60 years) he had quit once before for like a year when I was little but then started again, smoked for about 14 years straight before quitting 3 years ago roughly...

Sometime they have to create something where you can just smoke air and it comes out vapor lol, that's harmless. No chemicals nothing...

@Demon, lol yeah dude I like lettace, tomato and fruits but eat salads here and there. I eat far more fruits then veggies though lol. Besides if you eat too much salad, you do too much poopy...lol


Fujin and Ermac for MK 11
lol ^ Oxygen Bar that's cool, I want to go to one! Now they need to make vapor bars where you can inhale something and puff out vapor :)

That girl is pretty hot in that video. That looks cool, so it's like a flavored candy oxygen inhaler? Cool :)
Yeah, Scheiss another reason why I'm hesitant with the smoking thing/trying it is due to the fact that my father was a smoker for years, then he got diabetes, still smoked til 3 years ago(quit the second time in 60 years) he had quit once before for like a year when I was little but then started again, smoked for about 14 years straight before quitting 3 years ago roughly...

Sometime they have to create something where you can just smoke air and it comes out vapor lol, that's harmless. No chemicals nothing...

@Demon, lol yeah dude I like lettace, tomato and fruits but eat salads here and there. I eat far more fruits then veggies though lol. Besides if you eat too much salad, you do too much poopy...lol
I had no idea smoking helped cause Diabetes...:invisible:
Got to educate myself, man.


Fujin and Ermac for MK 11
Huh? lol I never said smoking helps diabetes lol. I said he smoked til he realized he had diabetes then quit. He had still smoked when he was diagnosed but like most people will tell you, it's a hard habit to kick.

Smoking only makes things worse lol


i drink lots of water, a bottle before every meal that helps me feel more full and my recent job has helped me lose some too i think cuz i do a lot of walking


Fujin and Ermac for MK 11
Water is always good, also if you want to gain more weight/muscle you have to eat several meals a day. That's a pain though unless you're really, really determined.


Lose without excuses
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Water is always good, also if you want to gain more weight/muscle you have to eat several meals a day. That's a pain though unless you're really, really determined.
It's more about how many calories you intake. Plus, you should be eating at least 5+ small meals a day anyway. It's a lot better than eating 3 or fewer meals that are larger in portion. And yeah, water is the only thing you need to be drinking. Once you're not used to soda or sugary drinks, water is actually really fantastic!

Day 17 of the P90X finished today! This is the farthest I've gotten with this program, and I have no interest in stopping! I'm loving it and already seeing and feeling results.


Fujin and Ermac for MK 11
I'm trying to get off so much soda lol, I love sierra mist and 7 up(although still soda, they're among the least sugary compared to Coke, Root Beer or something) but water is the best obviously. I also enjoy juice(some of which can be great for you like antioxidant ones, V8 drinks etc) not kool-aid just so I establish that lol.

7 meals a day? lol that's a lot, I tend to have one of my meals as a snack, peanuts, juice, granola bars etc that kind of thing. I don't even eat breakfast anymore lol I have trouble, if I eat breakfast after I wake up I feel nauseous...don't know why, not since high school have I eaten breakfast as soon as I wake up(and that's like over 10 years now) lol I usually eat a brunch like meal, snacky in between meal and dinner. I have a very odd system but it works for me. I'm not fat, not skinny just average build for my size I'm around right.

I do enjoy fruits a lot though too.