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First Utah UMK3 tournament results


MK11 Kabal = MK9 Kitana
Had the first real UMK3 tournament in Utah in over ten years at our Ranbat 4.2 for SSF4. Was hoping for at least 8 entrants, seeing as it was a free tournament just to gauge interest in the game. I got nine players to enter, including myself. Besides myself and one other guy, nobody has played the game since the SNES version LOL ...but it was really fun and got two, maybe three people really interested in learning the game.

Here are the results:

1. Konqrr
2. Josh
3. Thanh
4. Thomas 5K
5. Caam
5. Uy
7. Renzo
7. Ricky
9. Lil Mario

I only lost two games the entire night and those were in casuals. The rest of the time, I think I lost one or two rounds total lol ...I hope to increase the area knowledge for UMK around here.

Three Utah players will be at Season's Beatings this year and have entered the UMK3 tournament. What other "out of the way" states can say that? haha


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Great stuff man, so glad it actually happened. Please admit, those two matches you lost, you got babied. Just admit it! ;)


Cool Stuff Konqrr....9 players is better than 0 players.Hopefully,they will pick up the game and start playing it more seriously. Lets hope thats the beginning of the Utah Chapter! :).

P.S. Did you record anything?
Nice work. Always awesome to hear new players are interested.

Also cool that you're bringing a few to Season's Beatings, looking forward to meeting you and getting my ass handed to me there.