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First Time Poster, Long Time Fan


I found this sight after watching the EVO '10 vids on You Tube.
I'm excited to see Mortal Kombat return to it's roots and try to become a serious Tournament contender this time around. The 3D versions, although amusing at the time, really don't hold up as real fighters. This will be the first serious attempt and I can't wait.

I have an Xbox 360, but I let my Live account expire... I don't see the point anymore.

You can find me on either system (preferably on the PS3) as Mickael486

I'll be playing MK as soon as it's out. ....on the PS3 :top:


Welcome to TYM, check out the tourney match-making threads to see other players in your area and tournaments happening soon. ;)


Fujin and Ermac for MK 11
Welcome, although MKDC is a serious game that can be played seriously. But if you're referring to the 3D game, they do have their share of issues but are fun.

But have fun, long live MK!