She's not, but the reason she looks like that and wields a lasso that she was frequently tied up by is because her creator was a fetishist.
Another example is Psylocke, my fave Marvel character of all time, who was "turned Asian" because her creator was a fetishist as well.
Female characters were dressed in skintight bathing suits and lingerie-looking outfits to appeal to the straight male audience. That's not some feminist statement in an attempt to put anyone down or anything, that's just how it was. That's the reality of things. It doesn't mean others who weren't the main target group couldn't or didn't enjoy those designs though - as said, Jade's MKD alt costume is a fave of mine. But it's fair to compare those designs to "stripper" outfits, because all in all, that's what they are. Scantly and sexy outfits made to entice teen boys and adult men alike. Because sex sells.
And though that's still true, MKX and MK11 have proven that they can still sell without having the female characters' outfits be mainly focused on their sexual assets being exposed. There can be a balance though, but the world is still trying to figure out where that is. And with crazy people on either side, screaming their lungs out to try and convince that they are the ones who are right and everyone else are wrong, it's understandable that certain game devs are walking on eggshells.
It's going to pass though. It'll take time, so all we can do is be patient. Right now, the sexualisation of female characters is a topic as hot as hellfire, so it takes time to cool down. All we can do is wait.
Never heard that about her creator, is there some sort of link or proof of this if you don't mind me asking? I read WW and a lot of DC never heard of this. But you know how some people are on here like to complain about anything. WW has had some interesting outfits over the years, some more punk rockish, others more Amazonian, some a bit sexier and others even with a cape herself by different creators as all characters go through redesigns, not sure that makes them a fetish fiend though. I've heard different things about Psylocke, I kept more to Wolverine personally over the years with Xmen and Magneto but I always thought she was always asian but in some comics she looked more white? But I'll admit I'm not intimately familiar with her.
I think there's a reason behind that though, a lot of times if it fits the characters personality it's not so much just to please the male fanbase(even though most of their demographic will happen to be male, that's just stats though much like majority of females liked Barbie over males) See there I disagree a bit, just because you're wearing a scantily clad outfit doesn't make you a stripper or necessarily compared to one. There's nightgowns that are sexy that women buy all the time in Vic Secret, doesn't make them a stripper though. Professional models wear sexy outfits, I know one personally who's a friend of mine. She's a car model and has worn sexy outfits but she'd be the first to tell you she's no stripper. I just think people like to complain about the PC element now days when they've been wearing these outfits for decades since the early 90's. I think it's just how society is now, people especially the younger crowd love to complain about everything even if the analogies aren't there. Most are stretching as far as I'm concerned. That and we have to remember strippers take off their clothes, MK characters don't so there's that one big difference. Then you have the double standard of the guys half naked that the Feminists say nothing about like Geras, Shao Kahn, Jax, Cage so on and so forth. Sex does sell, I agree with you there I'm just pointing out that just because something is sexy or shows skin doesn't automatically make it "hooker or stripper" worthy.
I think honestly MK X and MK 11 sold well because MK 9 brought it back to the light again which also sold a lot, I honestly don't think the outfits of the females had much to do with it but just that MK went back to 2D which is what made MK great to begin with, moving away from the 3D era. As an oldschool MK player who has been playing MK since MK 1 I can easily say this is the biggest reason why MK is hot again since MK 9, it brought MK back to what made MK MK. The outfits are just a preference but like I said a few times now on here, the women have always had sexier outfits back to the 90's. It's just the times are different now compared to then. People like to gripe, protest and bitch about every little thing. I have no issue if they want to redesign the women outfits, however I do think it's also important to respect fans of old who like the older looking outfits too which happen to be sexier. So just give us both, simple really. This way you give the player the option to wear what we want the character to wear. If the player wants Skarlet to look like a nun in leather, fine. If the player wants Skarlet to look like MK 9 version. Fine. Giving the players options is the best logical choice imo.