1. Dispalcer. Gotta check out what's classic Raiden is up to. Depends on how invulnerable his teleport is. At least one of them.
2. Master of Storms. I like the idea of using static traps against people here at my place who like to run headlong into me. I fiddled with MK9 Subs for this reason, but I think I'm going to go with MoS this time because I suppose that learning another variation for such a narrow application will require less :effort: than picking up Grandmaster or one of the dozen of others trapmakers or equivalents.
3. Kommando because of dem parries and throws. I like the concept on aestethical level. Maybe Unbreakable, but just for shits and giggles.
4. Somebody who will counter day 1 online strats if those will be annoying enough to me.
5. Maybe someone with long reach. Lasher? War God? Cybernetic? I dunno really. Or, more likely, someone with some special-snowflakey mech. Occasional free armor, heals, something else... Shinnok (what's with that Impostor variation again?), F/T? We'll see.
From the looks of it, Raiden and Kano get most of my personal votes here. That may change.