This thread is awesome. I love dogs!
This is my dog Lucy. Me and my wife both had chihuahuas growing up. I had three she had one. Well, when we moved into our own house, we started looking on line for our little Mexican companion but instead found this pup. She was a year old and listed in the chihuahua section (clearly not a chihuahua or at least not full). But for only $50, we couldn't pass her up.
We met the owners who were actually mastiff breeders and they said their church's missionaries found her and another one like her running the neighbourhood so they went around knocking on doors and found one guy who said that his daughter had a dog that had puppies, but when his daughter moved away to college or something, this guy just left the door open cause he was tired of taking care of them.
So, yeah, it was kind of a rescue situation. She's a great dog, has a chewing problem lol but is very loving and stays close to home when we let her outside even if we don't have a fence.
As for the guy who let her go, I just want to say that any man who doesn't like man's best friend isn't a man at all. lol
EDIT: No one was sure what she was, but I'm pretty sure she's a miniature Australian Shepherd.