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Fighting Doomsday


its just like he can reverse you in the corner his shoulder rush to mb shoulder rush is stupid cause if you push block to soon it only eats the second hit and doesn't separate and just ya i really don't know anymore lol


gotta stay sharp!
well I play DD so maybe I can help. I'm no pro but I feel like supes just needs to play patient. DD is unsafe and has to go yolo when he has no meter. Save trait to break DD trait and you can punish just about anything That's not Mb shoulder.


Twitter: @xxQUANTUM
Trait. Huge. Use your plus frame f2 into trait cancel to throw doomy and break his trait at the same time. If he reads a throw and tries to tech, you'll blow his trait up for trying and get big damage. It doesn't just boil down to that though, unfortunately. If you have time to trait when he traits do so, but against supes, doomy will trait and try to pressure you immediately so that you can't. By the way, we can equally reverse doomsday in the corner as well, and the corner is the last place he wants to be against us.


Dashing an MB Super Nova takes practice, and if its not armored, you can Mb B3 it, and it leads to a harsh punish.
EarthShaker hits overhead + low, you can practice it to overcome it.