It really sucks having capcom voice the fgc. I know they're the largest, but seems a lot of people in and out of that community want it to happen. I wasnt around in the mk days, but watching videos and hearing about the events it sounded amazing. I feel injustice could do well in it too. Your casual gamer would probably think wow. Batman and Lex are on screen, that's pretty cool I'm gonna see what its about. Its what got me into the game actually, and we wouldn't have a lot of people with the WHENS MAHVEL and all that as much. DC could be a huge advantage. And with increased pots I'm sure we'd have higher level players into more games.
I read the article and editorial, give me a break. Past events picked up DOA, what does that have to do with us? Instead of blasting a company that could get us in the spotlight why not work with them? In the business world you always try and get larger companies under your belt, mom and pop companies only can sustain for so long.
Plus, a comment about many Dr pepper ads were on there. They wouldn't need to advertise with GGA Max there
Anyways, rant of randomness completed.
I read the article and editorial, give me a break. Past events picked up DOA, what does that have to do with us? Instead of blasting a company that could get us in the spotlight why not work with them? In the business world you always try and get larger companies under your belt, mom and pop companies only can sustain for so long.
Plus, a comment about many Dr pepper ads were on there. They wouldn't need to advertise with GGA Max there

Anyways, rant of randomness completed.