no one forced you to buy the season pass dude. they blatantly stated that it would get four characters and a flashpoint skin pack. i made the mistake of buying t early too but im not going to go round saying Netherrealm fuced me over. no one should.
do you have to be happy these characters made it in? fuck no. but dont act like NRS promised you someone else.
i for one am going to chill and save my dlc spots for characters i actually care about. If down the line they introduce characters i actually want like Martian Manhunter, Static, etc and its possible for me to use the spots i already payed for to download them, then ill be happy. if not, i'll just download the ones they've already given us for the sake of having the content.
as for the MMH and Batgirl fans on here, im pretty sure i've lost my respect for most if not all of you. between the swearing, trolling, whining, and just general ill wishing coming from both sides (over fictional characters mind you) really just further serves to disillusion me from humanity and makes me wish i never bought this game in the first place.