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Favorite and least favorite character[s] to fight against?


1 2 3 drink
favorites: JC, shangtsung, cyrax, sub zero

least favorites: KL, quan shi, mileena, kabal

this apllys only against good players, against bad players it doesnt really matter who im facing against


Worst Sub-Zero Ever
Sub-Zero is annoying as hell. I hate SZ players. Lets pick one of the easiest characters in the game. Throw out clone every second and hide behind it then throw ice balls then dash and do easy combos for 30%. Annoying.
Sub-Zero is actually hard to play at a high level. You have to have great spacial awareness in a lot of matchups and recognize your opponent's patterns for your baits and traps to work. Because high level players adapt to setups, Sub-Zero's game has to evolve all the time. If you play patiently against Sub-Zero and stop jumping into every clone he throws out, lower level Sub-Zero's probably won't know how to adjust to it.

But, yeah, bitching about Sub-Zero players is always ice cool.

Favourites to play against: Cyber Sub-Zero, Jax, Johnny Cage

Least favourite: Skarlet and Quan Chi (I love mind control and crazy reset mixups all day).