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Fatalities: How do you use them?


I admit recently i've really enjoyed doing forceball, lp, uppercut, head lick fatality as they land with reptile. Looks really cool all though it does mean u have to be lucky enough to have the forceball as one of the finishing blows before fatality screen


Everyone knows.... I ALWAYS do them!

The other day, I did Mileena's bridge Pit fatality late and shang fell before the uppercut so the uppercut whiffed! Mileena stood there in "post uppercut position" because the guy was suppose to be falling off the bridge. IT WAS INSANE.

Everytime I do them, I'm trying to do them late so I guess I slow the game up WAY more.

I don't do fatalities to piss people off or to slow things up. I do it because I can, and I'm usually trying to have some weird shit happen. I did sub's deep freeze late the other day... beautiful.

There are guys like fusion, cuko, kaz and Bo_DK who make that shit look good.


I stopped doing fatalities to people -just got lazy. I only do them like other people said, if they piss me off. But, that's the only time I use them. Arm rips, i'll eat your head, bbq your ass, take your soul etc.


I did raidens uppercut fatality late a but ago and it freezed the game, haha the other guy just watch the screen for like 2 minutes before A player had left the match came up. Also I've been doing one with Liu where you jump punch over your opponent straight into a dragon fatality and liu will look at the screen with a dumb look on his face before going into it.
Kaz said:
Also I've been doing one with Liu where you jump punch over your opponent straight into a dragon fatality and liu will look at the screen with a dumb look on his face before going into it.
Like this :D



Lol, some of the expressions are amazing in this game. My favourite are still shang tsung and jax being nut crackered
Well, finally a good question! (sarcasim). You perform a fatality when the announcer / ref screams "Finish Him!!" or "Finish Her!"

There are a litany of buttons to press, each within a given time frame. The best fatality by far is when Kage rips you in half. Best fatality in the history of fighting games. Topic closed.


YeahMKMAN said:
Well, finally a good question! (sarcasim). You perform a fatality when the announcer / ref screams "Finish Him!!" or "Finish Her!"

There are a litany of buttons to press, each within a given time frame. The best fatality by far is when Kage rips you in half. Best fatality in the history of fighting games. Topic closed.
Hows this for a question. Who are you?
I NEVER use them when im getting streaked. The way i figure it is, after losing 6-7-8-9.... in a row, your in nooo position to be showing off lol.

and If you use them every single time, it just gets monotonous and then just gets annoying.

I like to use them after winning a really really tight match, or after winning the last match. thats good shit.

I think its different with the stage fatalities tho, i usually do the stage fatalities. especially with Mileena when you can teleport kick them on the spikes.....thats the shit.


I just got my ass handed to me by Xx_God_xX. I think he told me at one point that he was wario, but I'm not sure. Anyway, I guess he was in the mood to be a prick, b/c he turned me into a baby every chance he got, which was alot. If your going to do babalities, do them to noobs. I think we should show some respect to the old school players or people who obviously have some skill, unless they do something to deserve it.


Forum General Emeritus
I just got my ass handed to me by Xx_God_xX. I think he told me at one point that he was wario, but I'm not sure. Anyway, I guess he was in the mood to be a prick, b/c he turned me into a baby every chance he got, which was alot. If your going to do babalities, do them to noobs. I think we should show some respect to the old school players or people who obviously have some skill, unless they do something to deserve it.
It's Wario


I do Fatalitys when ever i get the chance. Its like a habit for me. I would do Frienships and Babilitys too but sadly i only know Johny Cages by heart.... :p


that's Wario?! son of a...

playin that guy man, I was like "who the heck is THIS?!"
i should've known, gettin streaked by him the other night
and then streaked again by this "God" character??

agh these guys and their fake names. =P


HE STILL PLAYS UNDER THAT ACCOUNT??!!! He's been using that forever. The first time I ever played him was under that account and that was in 08 (actually, might have been jan 09).

I know everyone's friendship- props to btbb for telling me shang's. I don't know all babalities though. Yung friendshiped me in a jax mirror match a few weeks ago, but I was okay with it for three reasons. 1: he didn't spend every match trying to do it. 2: I suck with jax 3: it's easy to do a friendship with jax.


hell i dropped a babality on real_talk the other day just 2 c if it was possible and he was cool with it. i believe i was baraka.
I don't know, I'm also one of those players who doesn't really perform a lot of fatalities. I don't do much of the stage fatalities either as well, but I'll perform that acid stage fatality all day, everyday if it looks fluid in a finishing combo or something. However when I do perform a fatality, I'd like that round to end in a flawless victory. That flawless victory makes me feel like I truly earned the right to properly finish dudes, ahh.
I hate fatalities, the only time i do them is when i play someone i never heard of and they fatality me. Then i try and babality them for a 10 streak
fatalities i dont use much, its like you said BORING because we've seen it already ... sometimes I use them but then I make it special ... so after 8 games or something and i will make it special like Freeze (->-> down HK) then transform from sub-zero back to shang to raiden and then fatality with raiden without a pauze as example ... normal fatalities i dont do often


Hey dutchie, add me on msn sometime, we should play, we only live like 10min's away from each other, so it could be pretty decent matches ;)
X820 said:
Hey dutchie, add me on msn sometime, we should play, we only live like 10min's away from each other, so it could be pretty decent matches ;)
how did you know im a dutchie? lol ... I will add you on ps3 ...

X820 <--- thats your name on ps3?