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Fatalities: How do you use them?


Q-dance69 said:
how did you know im a dutchie? lol ... I will add you on ps3 ...

X820 <--- thats your name on ps3?

Yeah you're from scheveningen lol, i'm from den haag... So :)

Uhm, yeah.. but, i never (!) play on PS3, too annoying :)

Do you have msn or something, mine is in my profile, add me.



To perform a Babality or a Friendship, you must not use the punch buttons during the winning round.

Liu Kang

Fireball: F,F,HP (Can be done in the air also)

Low Fireball: F,F,LP

Flying Kick: F,F,HK

Bicycle Kick: Hold LK for 3 seconds (Note: you can do other moves while holding LK!)

(Pit/Spikes): (close) B,F,F,LK

Babality: D,D,F,B,LK

Friendship: F,B,B,B,LK

Fatality 1 (Dragon): (close) D,F,B,B,HK

Fatality 2 (Cartwheel Uppercut): (medium) Block + B,D,F,U,B,D,F,U,..

Kung Lao

Ground Teleport: D,U

Diving Kick: D + HK (In the air)

Hat Throw: B,F,LP (press U or D to control the hat)

Whirlwind Spin: Block + U,U,LK

(Pit/Spikes): (close) F,F,F,HP

Babality: B,B,F,F,HK

Friendship: B,B,B,D,HK

Fatality 1 (Hat slicer): (sweeping range) F,F,F,LK

Fatality 2 (Hat Decapitation):(far) hold LP (for 1 second) then B,F

Johnny Cage

Low Green Flame: B,D,F,LP

High Green Flame: F,D,B,HP

Shadow Uppercut: B,D,B,HP

Shadow Kick: B,F,LK

Ball Breaker: LP + BLOCK

(Pit/Spikes): (close) D,D,D,HK

Babality: B,B,B,HK

Friendship: D,D,D,D,HK

Fatality 1 (Torso Rip): (close) D,D,F,F,LP

Fatality 2 (Decap Punch): (close) F,F,D,U *To knock off three heads, hold D and BLOCK, LP, LK until the first head is knocked off.


Acid Spit: F,F,HP

Slide: LP + LK

Force Ball: B,B,HP + LP

Invisibility: BLOCK + U,U,D,HP

(Pit/Spikes): (close) D,F,F,Block

Babality: D,B,B,LK

Friendship: B,B,D,LK

Fatality 1 (Tongue Head Rip): (medium) B,B,D,LP

Fatality 2 (Invisible Kill): (must be invisible) F,F,D,HK


Ice Ball: D,F,LP

Ice Puddle: D,B,LK

Slide: B + LP + LK + Block

(Pit/Spikes): (close) D,F,F,Block

Babality: D,B,B,HK

Friendship: B,B,D,HK

Fatality 1 ( Freeze): (medium) F,F,D,HK (then close) F,D,F,F,HP

Fatality 2 ( Ice Bomb): (very far) LP + B,B,D,F (now release LP)

Shang Tsung


B,B,HP (1 skull)

B,B,F,HP (2 skulls)

B,B,F,F,HP (3 skulls)

Liu Kang: B,F,F,BLOCK

Kung Lao: B,D,B,HK

Cage: B,B,D,LP

Reptile: Block + U,D,(release Block) HP

Sub Zero: F,D,F,HP

Kitana: Block,Block,Block

Jax: D,F,B,HK

Mileena: Hold HP for 2 seconds

Baraka: D,D,LK

Scorpion: Block + U,(release Block) U

Raiden: D,B,F,LK

(Pit): (close) Block + D,D,U (release Block) D

Babality: B,F,D,HK

Friendship: B,B,D,F,HK

Fatality 1 (Body Explosion): (sweep range) Hold HK for 2 seconds

Fatality 2 (Soul Drain): (close) Block + U,D,U,LK

Fatality 3 (Kintaro Fatality): (sweep range) Hold LP for 30 seconds (If you start holding LP before the winning round starts, you don't have to hold it for 30 seconds)


Fan Swipe: B,HP

Fan Throw: F,F,HP + LP (can be done in the air also)

Fan Lift: B,B,B,HP

Aerial Punch: F,D,B,HP

(Pit/Spikes): (close) F,D,F,HK

Babality: D,D,D,LK

Friendship: Block + D,D,D,U,LK

Fatality 1 (Kiss): hold LK and tap F,F,D,F

Fatality 2 (Fan Decapitation): Block,Block,Block,HK


Ground Pound: Hold LK for 3 seconds

Gotcha Grab: F,F,LP,LP,LP,...

Quadruple Slam: throw (LP closest to opponent), then tap HP

Energy Wave: F,D,B,HK

Back Breaker: BLOCK (In the air)

(Pit/Spikes): (close) U,U,D,LK

Babality: Block + D,U,D,U,LK

Friendship: Block + D,D,U,U,LK

Fatality 1 (Head Smash): (close) LP + F,F,F (to do this move: press LP when you are out of hit range, keep holding LP and walk close, then press F,F,F and release LP)

Fatality 2 (Arm Rip): (a step away) Block,Block,Block,Block,LP


Teleport Kick: F,F,LK

Ground Roll: B,B,D,HK

Sai Throw: Hold HP for 2 seconds (you may release HP in the air)

(Pit/Spikes): (close) F,D,F,LK

Babality: D,D,D,HK

Friendship: D,D,D,U,HK or Block + D,D,D,U,HK

Fatality 1 (Stabbing): (close) F,B,F,LP

Fatality 2 (Bone Spew): (close) Hold HK for 2 seconds


Double Kick: (Closest) HK,HK

Blade Swipe: B + HP

Blade Fury: B,B,B - LP

Blue Bolt: D,B,HP

(Pit/Spikes): (close) F,F,D,HK

Babality: F,F,F,HK

Friendship: Block + U,F,F,HK

Fatality 1 (Blade Decapitation): (close) B,B,B,B,HP

Fatality 2 (Stab & Lift): (close) B,F,D,F,LP


Superman: B,B,F

Lightning: D,F,LP

Teleport: D,U

Electrocution: Hold HP for 2 seconds

(Pit/Spikes): (close) Block + U,U,U,HP

Babality: Block + D,D,U,HK

Friendship: D,B,F,HK

Fatality 1 (Electrocution): (close) Hold LK for 5 seconds then tap Block + LK

Fatality 2 (Super Uppercut): Hold HP for 10 seconds


Spear: B,B,LP

Teleport Punch: D,B,HP (Can be done in the air also)

Leg grab: F,D,B,LK

Air Throw: Block (in the air)

(Pit/Spikes): (close) D,F,F,Block

Babality: D,B,B,HK

Friendship: B,B,D,HK

Fatality 1 (Burning Bones): (medium) Block + U,U,HP

Fatality 2 (Toasty!): Block + D,D,U,U,HP

Fatality 3 (Neck Slice): (close) HP + D,F,F,F