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I know I'm new to MK, and the community, but I reccomend you not do another tourny for awhile(online). The reason I state this is b/c I would like to be in the next one, and I know alot of others will as well.
I want to get better at UMK3 before the next tourny.
I know you probably have no current plans for the next one but please for those who are just getting started, don't rush into it! :idea:

Also i was wondering how long have you all (UltimateMK community),
have been playing MK?
I just started in FEB., and I think I'm learning fast. But any wayz good luck with the current tournament. :D :D
Even though the tourney is still taking place, I'm anxious to enter the next one that is going to be held.

Anyways, I've played since 99, but I wasn't into it that much and just played casually. I later learned the depth of it and started playing more seriously since August of 05.
I used to play alllllll the time, since MK1 in arcades when I was like 12. After UMK3 I kinda stopped until it came back to xbox live. I never played on mame or anything. Lag issues had been such an issue I never delved to deep into online gaming until about 6 years ago when high speed internet was introduced to the world. Now with Xbox Live and high speed gaming I'm back into it as much as I used to be.

Really feels good to be home again hehe :) .


TheLord Phoenix UMK3 said:
I know I'm new to MK, and the community, but I reccomend you not do another tourny for awhile(online). The reason I state this is b/c I would like to be in the next one, and I know alot of others will as well.
I want to get better at UMK3 before the next tourny.
I know you probably have no current plans for the next one but please for those who are just getting started, don't rush into it! :idea:

Also i was wondering how long have you all (UltimateMK community),
have been playing MK?
I just started in FEB., and I think I'm learning fast. But any wayz good luck with the current tournament. :D :D
LOL :lol:
Can't say I ever played in arcades against other people. I mostly played on the SNES console.

It wasn't until UMK3 came to Xbox Live that I really learned how competitive this game is. It's great fun and frustrating at the same time. :)
since the day before my registered on site date under my name. -_-

never played umk3 arcade against a human being until then.