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Fancy Finishers Montage


This is how i do my fatalities. I hate too see guys tap the moves everytime so i just make the finish moves within the final blows and its much more fancy:)



Idk why you didnt put the reptile one that u did against me on there. This vid is awesome man


david_GEM said:
Idk why you didnt put the reptile one that u did against me on there. This vid is awesome man
Didnt record that one:( But thanks:) btw idk is "id like to know" right?


Vassago187 said:
damn, you got some seriously fast fingers!
Well, not necessarily.. You can start tapping out the movements of the fatality before you land the final blow, and then quickly finish the inputs for the fatality..

I know I've done this for all the characters except Scorpion's toasty fatality.. For some reason I can't pull that one off quickly.


my fav. is scorpions late toasty. i normally do golden punches and tap down down up up while punching. by the time i pull off my mask they r already on the ground.
john2kx said:
Well, not necessarily.. You can start tapping out the movements of the fatality before you land the final blow, and then quickly finish the inputs for the fatality..

I know I've done this for all the characters except Scorpion's toasty fatality.. For some reason I can't pull that one off quickly.
Yeah, all inputs can be done at anytime...one of my all time favs is laos quick dive hat splice before he barely touches the ground, and scorps teleport or reverse jump over spear.

@ John - I have the hardest time with scorps toasty as well, especially when im trying to glitch out the corner.

Kensi, fusion, and real_talk have some of the most original I have seen on the psn, and yes I know its already all been done before.


I did scorps toasty without jumping or blocking once but it was in lag. I've seen fusion do some sick shit before man... some sick shit. Realtalk did the throw to ice grenade, i know Im not the only one to get caught with that. lol

I like doing reptile's decap while the smoke from him turning invisible is still on screen- but thats probably not that special.


It´s odd, i think scorpions toasty is the easiest of all to pull of, it dosent matter what you do for a final blow (as long as he dont get airbourne or sweeped) just do D,D,U,U and rapidly hit HP or time it and only hit it once. The hardest one i think is the jax headsmash, i can never get that to work:(
My favorite is the liu kang dragon, that one even surprised me :D


Bo_DK said:
It´s odd, i think scorpions toasty is the easiest of all to pull of, it dosent matter what you do for a final blow (as long as he dont get airbourne or sweeped) just do D,D,U,U and rapidly hit HP or time it and only hit it once.
Thank you for telling me how to do the toasty fatality, even though I've been playing this game for 15 years now. It was very helpful. lol


john2kx said:
Thank you for telling me how to do the toasty fatality, even though I've been playing this game for 15 years now. It was very helpful. lol
You are welcome, just glad i could be helpfull:)
That's all well and good, but how do you do the spear? I've been trying to win with the leg scissors and I just can't get anywhere!


im pretty sure the spear is down forward lp. i wonder if they are on danger if u hit em wth the spear u can do the TOASTY on the way in??
dudemcrude said:
That's all well and good, but how do you do the spear? I've been trying to win with the leg scissors and I just can't get anywhere!
Try 3 scissors and the spear, or teleport into a spear ...there should be a platinum trophy for that!

The toasty fatality I said i was having a hard time with was when you glitch out the corner where scorps head looks like it is off his neck...When I jump in I try to do it right before he lands...cant seem to hit it that often. In fact, I whiffed it with john2k last night.
david_GEM said:
I did scorps toasty without jumping or blocking once but it was in lag. I've seen fusion do some sick shit before man... some sick shit. Realtalk did the throw to ice grenade, i know Im not the only one to get caught with that. lol

I like doing reptile's decap while the smoke from him turning invisible is still on screen- but thats probably not that special.
My favorite fat. lol
I like walking up and just doing the fatality, its like playin the CPU
beautiful vid Bo_Dk