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Fallout 4 Discussion Thread

Johnny San

Shazzy's Biggest Fan
Pretty good. Nice customization this time around. Almost everything they've shown has been improved from previous Fallouts.

Everything but the character. They actually took a step back here. The amount of predetermined characteristics and backstory is disgusting. The decision to have voiced characters is terrible. These are RPG sins right here Todd.

Base building has me hyped though.

MK Led



ALSO THE COMBAT LOOKS FUCKING SWEET. And that was totally Troy Baker VOing the dude, I couldn't tell you who the girl was. also not to mention the armour system, and the fucking iron man power armour, fucking minecraft in fallout, AAAAAH.

(also dishonored 2 looks good)
Pretty good. Nice customization this time around. Almost everything they've shown has been improved from previous Fallouts.

Everything but the character. They actually took a step back here. The amount of predetermined characteristics and backstory is disgusting. The decision to have voiced characters is terrible. These are RPG sins right here Todd.

Base building has me hyped though.
I hope at least their's a voice pitch modulator for the voice actors. Oh my gosh the character builds I'll make! <3

MK Led

Everything but the character. They actually took a step back here. The amount of predetermined characteristics and backstory is disgusting. The decision to have voiced characters is terrible. These are RPG sins right here Todd.
Well get ready for those mods that take out the player voice so you can use subs just like the previous games ;) and I think the idea is that your character's backstory starts anew when they enter 'the world of fallout' what they were before doesn't really matter anymore. I can understand people who like the traditional RPG style not being a fan of it though.
I'm still concerned about paid mods, but it's very little concern. This game is so huge now, I don't know if I'll even need/want mods for quite some time.
Pretty good. Nice customization this time around. Almost everything they've shown has been improved from previous Fallouts.

Everything but the character. They actually took a step back here. The amount of predetermined characteristics and backstory is disgusting. The decision to have voiced characters is terrible. These are RPG sins right here Todd.

Base building has me hyped though.
this. I really do not like the voiced protagonist but oh well :/ still looks really fuckin good


Here... I am a god!
I lost it when they showed the power armor. Just 5 minutes before I was philosophising how I want the power armor to look and feel, cause in Fallout 3 you really didn't feel all that "powerful" while wearing it. Well, now it looks just like I wanted it to. The weapon customization looks incredible, the base building is crazy, I felt a little overwhelmed watching it. Combat looks almost exactly as it did in Fallout 3 which is fine, as long as aiming doesn't feel as stiff anymore. Last but not least, the dialogues. This is a MAJOR improvement for me personally.

All in all, I am very satisfied with what I've seen. More than satisfied. Now to get bodied by the wait. :|

P.S. Doom looks pretty damn cool as well, didn't have that on my radar at all.


Also, its pretty amazing with all the stuff you can do in this game. Create your own settlements, set up trade routes between them, all the weapon and armor modifications. Jesus
Wait, what? I didn't see E3 yesterday i'm only reading up on articles now, but this is going to be in the game? What happened to being the lone wanderer?