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Tech F3 cancelling after WE(3)

Miss Kanzuki

I was in the lab and then online today and noticed that if I land a WE(3) and followup with a cancelled F3, she can really lay into some pressure and close distance -- WE(3) has only 4 frames of start up!! I find that it works when you do the WE(3) and it send the opponent across the screen, not up-close.

Example: I do from mid-screen: WE(2) 123 WE(3) cancelF3 WE(3) into more pressure..

Usually by the time she does this they are in the corner where she can do her B1~WE(3) strings

It works well online and off from what I could tell but when I get online tomorrow I'll look into this a bit further to see what could be, only passing this along for now lol


And not to be confused with the mb xx F3 you mean just cancel dash as in walking forward after inputting the move, am i correct?

Tiger Wong

Dojo Trainee
Ok. Maybe I'm undersatanding this wrong or I don't have the visual in my read right but......

Why not simply dash after you land the WE3?

Miss Kanzuki

Ok. Maybe I'm undersatanding this wrong or I don't have the visual in my read right but......

Why not simply dash after you land the WE3?
I was wondering that too but she seemed to get in quicker when i was doing it versus just dashing....her dash is mediorce imo

Miss Kanzuki

So what you're saying is her F3 dash is different/better than her normal dash?

Yea basically but again thats why i want some Hawkgirl scientists to look into this....for all I know maybe it was a fluke...I wish i had a camera or if someone can record and post it we can dissect what is going on if anything