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Guide F2 and You: Optimizing Superman


You know me as RisingShieldBro online.
- F2 advantages over F23
  • F2 places your opponent much closer to you, now your opponent can no longer hold back to make F2 whiff or jump out. In addition, if timed right, another F2 after F2 breath can catch a back dash!
  • Allows for very easy to perform and instant air cross-ups on block
  • Is Superman's most damaging combo starter midcreen, next to his j3 or Dive-Bomb.
  • Can be cancelled into trait putting Superman at +6 instead of +1.
  • Is an unclashable combo starter
-Hit confirming into F2 and combos
F2 is deffinitely not as easy to hit confirm off of like f23 as it does not launch your opponent into the air. However, by setting the AI in training mode to "Random" for blocking, you can practice it. The key to doing so is by buffering breath after the f2 in on block, you want to train yourself so you know the different between the sound of blocking and hitting. After you see you got a hit, input breath as you normally would but MB it as soon as you see Superman lean back. Once you get this down you will be rewarded with the midscreen damage the Man of Steel deserves.

- 40% 1 bar, no trait (Apoligies for quality).

-F2, MB breath, b3, j3, j2, 3, low scoop, 3, RGHV. 40%
-F2, MB breath, b3, j3, j2, 3, low scoop, 3, Flying punch. 38%
-F2, MB breath, b3, j3, j2, 3, low scoop, 3, Breath. 39%
-F2, MB breath, b3, j3, j2, 3, low scoop, F2d13. 37%

  • If your opponent is hit by a F2 while airborne, you must replace the standing 3 with a d1 or the combo will drop. You will lose 2% of damage doing this.
  • You can replace the standing 3 with a F2. This will drop the combo down about 2%
-Super Punch ender: 36%
-RGHV ender: 38%
- Breath ender: 37%
- F2d13 ender: 36%

  • Adding either J2 or J1 at the start increases the damage by 2%
- 52% 1 bar, starting with trait. (Ouch!)

- Trait, F2, MB breath, b3, j3, j2, 3, low scoop, 3, RGHV. 52%
- Trait, F2, MB breath, b3, j3, j2, 3, low scoop, 3, Flying punch. 51%
- Trait, F2, MB breath, b3, j3, j2, 3, low scoop, 3, Breath. 51%%
- Trait, F2, MB breath, b3, j3, j2, 3, low scoop, F2d13. 49%

- 38% 1 bar, activating trait.
- F2, MB breath, b3, Trait, j2, 1,1, f2, low scoop, 3, RGHV. 39%
- F2, MB breath, b3, Trait, j2, 1,1, f2, low scoop, 3, Flying Punch. 38%
- F2, MB breath, b3, Trait, j2, 1,1, f2, low scoop, 3, Breath. 39%
- F2, MB breath, b3, Trait, j2, 1,1, f2, low scoop, F2d13. 36%

- 36% 1 bar, side switch combo.

-F2, MB breath, b3, j3, dash under, F2, low scoop, 3, Ender. 36%
Damage comparison:
F23 Starter: 1 Bar MB
F23, F2~ MB super breath, B3, J3, F2~low scoop, 3~flying punch=33%
F23, F2~MB super breath, B3, J3, F2~low scoop, 3~super breath=34%
F23, F2~MB super breath, B3, J3, F2~low scoop, 3~rising grab heat vision=34%
F23~trait, F2~ MB super breath, B3, J3, F2~low scoop, 3~flying punch=42%
F23~trait, F2~ MB super breath, B3, J3, F2~low scoop, 3~super breath=42%
F23~trait, F2~ MB super breath, B3, J3, F2~low scoop, 3~rising grab heat vision=43%

Options off a blocked F2 into Trait
As mentioned before, F2 cancelled into trait puts you at +6 so this cuts down options for your opponent. The main strategy of F2 is making your opponent conditioned into teching your throws, this allows Superman to open his opponent up to get free damage. This is done by holding forward for a small time after the trait cancel and then into a MB F3. When done right, your opponent should not be able to poke out of it. If you do not have meter you can always nj2 or continue the presure with F2 breath, cutting off your opponent's option to armor through your pressure. Be aware your opponent can back dash after F2 unless in the corner.

- Throw baiting

- Other options

Balancing the use of F2 and F23
Only downside to F2 is you can't get meterless damage off it without having a stage bounce. So with this said it is important to know when to use both of them. For example, if Superman blocked a Lanturn's Might from Green Lantern and had no meter he would punish it with a F23; same goes for any whiff punish. Of course if Superman has meter in that same situation, you would punish with F2 into breath, (especially if you already had trait activated). When pressuring, either in the corner or midscreen, remember F2 cancelled into trait is another guarenteed F2 and makes it so your opponent cannot armor through, jump out, or poke out. Lastly, in the corner, always remember f23 is the better pressure tool as it gives more damage and is easier to hit confirm.

@daddydab32ho (yyyeeeaaappp)
@Kinetic Demise

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Twitter: @xxQUANTUM
Shoutouts to @TONY-T for those b3~trait cancel inspired combos. I hope they get used more for combos. Superman's trait cools down pretty fast so I can see a good use for them to squeeze out extra damage

Nice compilation Darksyde


You know me as RisingShieldBro online.
Shoutouts to @TONY-T for those b3~trait cancel inspired combos. I hope they get used more for combos. Superman's trait cools down pretty fast so I can see a good use for them to squeeze out extra damage

Nice compilation Darksyde
Thanks Quantum. :)


This is good stuff but i can't seem to consistently land f2 into breath. I always just end up doing the f2 and i don't think im inputting the breath quick enough. Any tips on how you guys consistently land f2 into breath?


You know me as RisingShieldBro online.
This is good stuff but i can't seem to consistently land f2 into breath. I always just end up doing the f2 and i don't think im inputting the breath quick enough. Any tips on how you guys consistently land f2 into breath?
I "flick" the motion when I see the F2 hit, also make sure release check is off.


Im on an xbox d-pad does it still work well on that? Do you mean like not take your hand off the controller and just go from the f2 and slide your hand sround the controller in a half circle type motion?


You know me as RisingShieldBro online.
Im on an xbox d-pad does it still work well on that? Do you mean like not take your hand off the controller and just go from the f2 and slide your hand sround the controller in a half circle type motion?
I'm on pad too, and you take your finger off the stick then do the motion.


You know me as RisingShieldBro online.
Shoutouts to @TONY-T for those b3~trait cancel inspired combos. I hope they get used more for combos. Superman's trait cools down pretty fast so I can see a good use for them to squeeze out extra damage

Nice compilation Darksyde
I can't tag right now so do you think you could do it?


I'll live a villain, before I die a hero.
All of this is looking really good. Has anyone been having trouble hit confirming F2, breath online?


Twitter: @xxQUANTUM
All of this is looking really good. Has anyone been having trouble hit confirming F2, breath online?
yea, don't bother unless your connex is godlike.

I usually don't HC this string, I'll throw it out when I know it will legit hit them. just me though, I have less than stellar reaction times


I'll live a villain, before I die a hero.
yea, don't bother unless your connex is godlike.

I usually don't HC this string, I'll throw it out when I know it will legit hit them. just me though, I have less than stellar reaction times
Let me guess, "WTF I hit confirmed that and MB breath didn't come out!!!" that sound about right?


Twitter: @xxQUANTUM
Let me guess, "WTF I hit confirmed that and MB breath didn't come out!!!" that sound about right?
pretty much. Or you're doing f23~breath to make it safe but breath doesn't come out and you get blown up. God, I hate online sometimes.


I'll live a villain, before I die a hero.
I have been have decent results. Again hit confirming that is hell. especially when I actually do hit confirm it and MB breath decides it doesn't "feel" like coming out


You know me as RisingShieldBro online.
I have been have decent results. Again hit confirming that is hell. especially when I actually do hit confirm it and MB breath decides it doesn't "feel" like coming out
What I found out that makes it easier (for me at least) is I slide my thumb from f2 to a half circle back 2 and when I hear the sound I mash that MB button.