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Tech Extending Green Lantern's Back Dash

I sadly don't have the means to record this for a visual so try to follow me on this and try it your self.

Green Lantern's movement is really aweful, especially his dashes. With characters' dashes like Superman's, Black Adam's, Batman's, etc, GL is one of very few "medium hitbox" characters with such crappy movement.

Though this doesn't change the speed or recovery of GL's dash, it can get you away in situations his regular dash wouldn't. Since discovering this it has benefited me several times including avoiding Superman's F2 and whiff punishing with GL's B23 BnB.

So since I have no visual, try this; go to practice mode, pick GL and go to the Fortress of Solitude Laboratory stage. Make sure you try these always starting from the neutral position (select).

First do a simple back dash. This should put GL's face right next to the creature in the background's face.
Now start from the neutral position again and do 3 (hold) backdash. This should put GL's face right beside the creature's shoulder, maybe approx. half a character's width further back.

B3, backdash does work as well extending his backdash but not quite as far.

If done quickly enough it should almost look like a normal back dash only GL makes his "grunt" sound he does when doing a B3.

Though I haven't tested the whole cast, I have tested this on a number of characters and this doesn't occur for them. I believe the nature of GL's 3 and B3 moves his hitbox back causing his back dash cancel to go further.

So give this a shot and let me know what you think of it.
Keep in mind this doesn't make his movement any better. In the sense that you can't freely dash around like other characters. It's just something to give you a little more distance and CAN help you avoid certain things in certain situations. I'm not sure exactly how viable this may be, I just know it's helped me a number of times.


Button Masher
enjoy those extra 20 frames before you can backdash.

GL needs bad dashes he already controls a shit ton of space around him! he needs a downfall too
enjoy those extra 20 frames before you can backdash.

GL needs bad dashes he already controls a shit ton of space around him! he needs a downfall too
I don't know what you're talking about with 20 extra frames.

And yes he does control the space around him pretty well. Especially if the other player is jump happy.

And if you mean "downfall" as in nerf then your out of your mind. Just don't jump.


Button Masher
I don't know what you're talking about with 20 extra frames.

And yes he does control the space around him pretty well. Especially if the other player is jump happy.

And if you mean "downfall" as in nerf then your out of your mind. Just don't jump.

youre saying your tech is to charge a b3 or standing 3 then backdash after correct?
well the 3 or b3 have 20+ start of frames so wont it take those extra frames before u can backdash?

i mean downfall as in thats his weakness bad movement.
if you do a standing 3 then try to cancel it the stand 3 start of frames will still be there correct? or b3 and theyre both 20+ frames.

and i was just venting about GLs crazy space control in the 2nd part.
His standing 3 alone may be. But since you can hold the 3 like a B3, you can do the inputs quickly enough to where it looks like a normal dash.
youre saying your tech is to charge a b3 or standing 3 then backdash after correct?
well the 3 or b3 have 20+ start of frames so wont it take those extra frames before u can backdash?

i mean downfall as in thats his weakness bad movement.
Well isn't start up frames the amount of time it takes for the move to hit? Since this a bascially an "instant 3 dash cancel" it's not 20+ frames.
testing this out, BRO this is legit. You can get in by just 3-forward dash and be close enough for b13. I'm canceling this really fast you can't even see the standing3 being inputed. seems way faster then 20 frames
The forward dash version doesn't grant more disance. It actually takes away about the same amount of disance you gain from the back dash version.
3-forward dash seems the same but with inch of better reach. 3-backdash is what you want to do
Go to the same stage, the Fortress of Solitude, and do a normal back dash (so you have enough room for a full forward dash without hitting your opponent) and see where are with a normal forward dash. GL's head is right in between two semi-vertical lines in the background design.

Now hit select, do a normal back dash (again so you have enough room) then do a 3 forward dash cancel. You'll see you actually lose distance, like I said approx. the same amount you gain from doing the 3 back dash cancel.


Go to the same stage, the Fortress of Solitude, and do a normal back dash (so you have enough room for a full forward dash without hitting your opponent) and see where are with a normal forward dash. GL's head is right in between two semi-vertical lines in the background design.

tested in Atlantis so far, 3-forward dash, and 3-back dash seems the same. Do it in Atlantis and see if is the same as FOS
Ok, on Atlantis, after doing the back dash to get a controlled distance, a normal forward dash puts the center of GL's torso (his right side) right next to the waterfall in the background.

Now doing the same thing only using a 3 forward dash GL's body completely covers the waterfall.


Ok, on Atlantis, after doing the back dash to gain to get a controlled distance, a normal forward dash puts the center of GL's torso right next to the waterfall in the background.

Now doing the same thing only using a 3 forward dash GL's body completely covers the waterfall.
Your right. it seems like 3-backdash has a little more distance then just backdashing but not really hard to tell. I don't think it might be that usefull because you do have to cancel, just doing regular backdash will get you their first then 3-cancel.
Your right. it seems like 3-backdash has a little more distance then just backdashing but not really hard to tell. I don't think it might be that usefull because you do have to cancel, just doing regular backdash will get you their first then 3-cancel.
Whether you choose to use it or not that's totally up to you. It's just something unique for GL and since I've gotten used to doing it fast and knowing when to use it, it's helped me out.
i got excited for 3-forward dash, i thought it will have the same priority
I imagine it's just the nature of his 3 and B3. They both move his hitbox back and since they can be cancelled it starts the dash from where his hitbox is.

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