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EX-Rare Developer Wants Killer Instinct 3 to Have Elements of World of Warcraft

GNG Iniquity

#bufftaquito #punchwalk #whiffycage
"Eurogamer posted up an interview with Chris Tilston, former programmer at Rare, where he mentions that if Microsoft came to his current studio, Starfire, to make a new Killer Instinct game, they would incorporate MMORPG elements into the game. He mentions Killer Instinct was meant for the arcades and was designed to be "loud and brash" which they feel isn't as suitable for the home environment. He says he would change a lot to the overall gameplay and feels it would upset the hardcore audience.

The interview also has many quotes from a 2008 interview with Mark Betteridge who was studio manger of Rare at the time where he also mentions the fighting game genre needs a real change in direction for it to be worthwhile.

What do you guys think? With news of the Gem System in street Fighter x Tekken and the newly announced Heros and Heralds mode for Marvel vs Capcom 3, do you think these guys are onto something? Is accessibility in the form of customization the way to go to get the game in front of more players?"




This seems incredibly fake because no one could be so retarded as to think changing a Fighting Game to a MMORPG would be a great idea.

GNG Iniquity

#bufftaquito #punchwalk #whiffycage
This seems incredibly fake because no one could be so retarded as to think changing a Fighting Game to a MMORPG would be a great idea.
The IP is owned by M$, it'd probably be a Kinect compatible"accessible" piece of shit anyways. Such fond memories from my childhood...I was enjoying some 90s nostalgia earlier with Army of Darkness and Tales from the Crypt then I find this...bah!


Look at what DOA5 plans to do with its Micheal Bay sequences. Look at what SC5 has already done with customization. Companies are realizing at this day and age, that it is the casuals that brings in the money. Customization brings a personal aspect to video games that casuals love. It also adds an obscene amount of replay value that make people want to play and keep playing for months. Battlefield and Call of Duty both epitomize these sale boosting techniques.

Capcom is now drawing inspiration from other genres in order to improve sales. Hilarious.


That's about right.
Fighting games need to evolve in some way. It can't always be 1v1 to land combos and juggles. Something else needs to be incorporated. It's great developers are searching for that special something.

MKK hanzo

IDk.. KI2 was a sandbox style game... Yes, sandbox. Like Banjo and Kazooie, like their Donkey Kong 64. You needed 5 finishers, full special bars, 2 breakers etc to acomplish the longest ultras etc. Or Diddy Kong Racing, at the same time you were racing you HAD to find stuff and WIN the race, lol.


"More stealthful than the night"
Elder God
it couldnt hurt having some form of level up system with exp and shit, sure thats fine, theres nothing stopping them from having a bare bone 1v1 fighting mode strictly for the hardcore audience too, im not gonna judge until anything gets confirmed


Dropping Combos like a MotherFucker!
In Mortal Kombat 9, online consists of sitting in a room while someone spams "NOBODY CAN DEFEAT ME!!!" repeatedly. Assuming they actually accept a match, they'll conclude the match (win or lose) by returning to the room and continuing to spam the same message.

Killer Instinct would rather have a MMO element? Hell, that might be a really good idea. My character starts in "The Frozen Wasteland" (since I live in Canada), where I encounter mostly other Canadians. I can challenge them to matches with very little lag, or I can explore into another area, Propoganda-Land (the USA) where I can search out friends (although likely face them with a little more lag).

Huh... a complete world layered over the fighting game, or idiots spamming in a chat room... tough decision.