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Evolution for MK?

Most of you know what "Evo" is. It's basically a huge fighting game tournament. Mostly centered around Street Fighter. This tournament was created by the players, and site owners of SRK. It has great success and gets people from across the country and world to travel to it.

What's to say, that MKU, MKE, UMK and CMK can't come together to organize a tournament like this? It doesn't matter the differences in the sites opinions, an offline tournament is what it is.

One reason why SF is so successful is because of the dedicated fan base that makes an effort to join offline tournaments. Evolution is one of the factors on why SF is as popular as it is.

We could organize a MK themed tournament, with all MK games. UMK3 being the head tournament, like SFIV or 3rd Strike is at Evo. We would have other games there like SFIV, 3rd Strike, Tekken 6, and others.

It could be an annual thing like Evo. I think that this can be done. This would be a great way to establish an offline scene. And who knows, maybe MK9 will be a really good game.

Just a thought I had. I believe that we can do this if we try hard enough. Online play is a dead end, we all know this. We need to start showing that the MK community isn't a bunch of slackers, and start making an effort!

Anyone up for something like this?

We already have some people interested over at MKU.com. MKE is down right now due to uprgrading servers, but I will mention this there in due time. http://www.mortalkombatunited.com/showthread.php?p=133702#post133702


This will definitely take time. It's a certainy capable of happening, but there is definitely a long road ahead of us, and unfortunately alot of detractors within our own community who will either intentionally or unintentionally put down anyone trying to organize this or the idea itself. This is one of the problems within our own community, however... the fact that we can't all just get along. The SF scene sees so much success because regardless of disagreements within that community about execution of moves and combos, what they don't disagree on is that showing up is the single most important way to prove yourself in a fighting game. The MK community has been plagued with far too many negative attitudes who simply won't get up off the couch and travel 2 hours to meet people and spend a day with them and have some fun playing in person and enjoying the day. Travel, in my opinion is no excuse if a tournament is within 2 hours from a person. Money is a different story, and that aside, anyone who doesn't make it to tournaments and support it is only going to continue to prove to the SF players that they are right and we are still wrong. With that rant over, I have some things to say about how to get this started... it's a long road and it requires work... so if everyone who is willing to support it works for it, then maybe we can pull something like this off... but don't say "Yeah, I'm in, I'm down" and then not be willing to work... if you're going to commit to helping the cause... then go balls to the wall... or don't bother to post in this thread.

First, let it be known that I'm going to talk about this with in UMK3 in mind...

For this to happen, we are going to need:

1. Education

Mortal Kombat has been looked at with so much negativity recently. This is because there have been so many MK games SINCE UMK3 that have, quite possibly and irreversably tainted the reputation of MK. Our job, is not just to learn to play at the highest possible level we can achieve, show up to tournaments... but most importantly, it's to educate anyone who will listen, and to make attempts to get many more to listen, and even to say it when nobody is listening in hopes that someone hears... WHY should they play UMK3? "Dude, it's awesome" is not an acceptable answer. What does UMK3 have, what does it bring to the table that is different from all the other "awesome" games at tournaments that someone should consider adding it to their competitive lineup? This is what we have to answer. Why should someone play UMK3? How can we tell people, and then prove to them that the game is far from a joke, and is quite possibly one of the most intense and adrenaline producing games that someone could play? How do we answer when someone says that MK is all just blood and fatalities? We have to educate people that this game is truly competative, and all of us who are willing to make this happen have to be able to answer these questions and more before we can even think about going further with this idea.

2. Community

We call ourselves a community. We try to act like a community. Don't get me wrong... it's great having MK sites and MK forums... we all enjoy that. The question is, why so many? Before jumping on me with "MKE Rules, CMK Rules..." etc.. think about this... Aside from some people just wanting to have an MK site, many of today's current MK sites exist(or no longer exist) because we can't all just get along. We have so much in-fighting that rather than act like a real community and treat each other with respect and act like adults, we run off to immediately create a new site so that we don't have to be part of that "other" community. This is again, something that Street Fighter has that we lack as a community. Regardless of 2D, 3D, game platform, online vs. offline, pad vs. stick...etc... the one thing that SF players have that we lack is that they all agree on one thing...Street Fighter is the game to play. Granted(and this part needs to be covered in another section), Capcom hasn't been so stupid as to change what has worked for them for so long(and is ultimately part of their success) whereas Midway decided to re-imagine MK into so many different abominations that we have a hard time deciding which game is the "best worst game". We have to stop this. We have to agree, collectively, to support one or two games to bring to tournaments and EDUCATE people about them. We have to stop the in-fighting, and we have to stop cutting off the rest of the MK world from each other simply because we don't agree. We have to start acting like a community, and stop acting like each MK game is a soap box for each of us to spout off about how good it is, how good I am, and anyone who disagrees should just die. It's got to be because we want to see MK succeed in the tournament scene, and not for selfish reasons that have caused the MK "community" to splinter so many times.

3. Similar Thought, Same Goals

For those of us who are willing to jump into this feet first, we need a level of continuity in our thought processes. We need to have similar thought with the same goals in mind. I'm not saying we all need to think alike... I'm saying that all our thought should be for the benefit of the ultimate goal of getting UMK3 to be recognized and treated as the tournament worthy game it is. To do this we have to set smaller goals and achieve them first. We're not going to storm onto SRK and demand that Mr. Wizard make UMK3 a headline tournament...odds are he's not even going to dignify us with a response. However, if we begin taking local tournaments in each of our areas by storm... by supporting the game and brining it to local tournaments...or organizing local tournaments and making sure that UMK3 is headlined then we can make some small progress and small headway. I speak from experience on this. UMK3 was dead in tournaments on Long Island. I personally spearheaded its revival in local tournaments out here. It culminated in being one of the headline tournaments at ECT last year...UMK3... a headline tournament at a major... then, the next year, Shock's work with NEC had the same result... headlined at NECX. This is similar thought, same goals. We have to think together, with different ideas and brainstorms, all with the same goal in mind... and make no mistake, we have to sit and decide on these goals first...and do it all with the ultimate goal in mind, and a willingness to do that and make the sacrifices necessary to make that happen for the sake of our goals.

4. Communication

If there is one thing that irks me, it's when I get a list of players who say they're going to show up, and then not only do they not show, but they also don't bother to communicate at all and let someone know that they aren't going to be there. This happened at Play N Trade just this Saturday. All you have to do is jump on the forum and say "can't make it" and then at least we won't spend our time looking for you or holding up a tournament for you when you couldn't make it. We have to do this as players and respect the directors and organizers by communicating with them. As organizers, it's going to be of the utmost importance that we communicate on a consistent basis. We need to be aware of the tournaments that we're planning on bringing UMK3 to, the times and places, etc. As a community, we have to communicate about who is doing their job to educate and who could be doing a better job. If this is going to happen, then we have to go all in and be willing to take it when we're not doing our job and give it when someone else isn't.

5. Support

Support never seems to be a problem in terms of sheer number of people who play and want to play at a high level. The problem is getting people to support the game at a tournament. There are people who will tell us "I'm not traveling 45 mins to somewhere only to have an 8 person tournament..." Well, if I had all those people showing up, every tournament I run would be 30 people easily. It's important that as long as its feasible monetarily and time wise, that we all make an effort to show up to area tournaments, both locals and majors. We need to draw a line for ourselves, and decide how long is acceptable to travel to play for a local and for a major. Then as long as we can make time(if you're going to use the "dude I have a life" argument, then you're not cut out for this... doing this means that this is part of your life), and we have the money for it, then you need to be there to support your fellow players and organizers.

This is only a start... this list can and will grow. But heed what I said carefully...

don't say "Yeah, I'm in, I'm down" and then not be willing to work... if you're going to commit to helping the cause... then go balls to the wall... or don't bother to post in this thread.


A living, Breathing Piece of Defecating Meat
Shit, great post

I know I can't help you guys on this, but I really encourage people to run tournaments, small or big ones, it doesn't matter that much, the thing is keeping the game alive, if more people start thinking like that, the scene will grow and the game will be considered more seriously

keep it up, guys, best of luck!


Premium Supporter
UMK3 at Evo will not happen until players start running regional tournaments for UMK3 like we do in the North East. It's just not going to happen. For now, I say we do what we tried to get people to understand through ultimatemk, and that's motivate, dedicate and coordinate. I really don't want to hear anything else, everyone knows where I stand. If you aren't interested in competition in person, you are just a spectator.


Premium Supporter
Shock said:
UMK3 at Evo will not happen until players start running regional tournaments for UMK3 like we do in the North East. It's just not going to happen. For now, I say we do what we tried to get people to understand through ultimatemk, and that's motivate, dedicate and coordinate. I really don't want to hear anything else, everyone knows where I stand. If you aren't interested in competition in person, you are just a spectator.

Shock, I am very interested in helping you guys out. We should talk on AIM sometime: VLADsuperior

There are a few other things I'd also like to talk to you about.


Premium Supporter
STORMS said:
Shock, I am very interested in helping you guys out. We should talk on AIM sometime: VLADsuperior

There are a few other things I'd also like to talk to you about.
My AIM is in my profile, when you IM me, be sure to specify who you are because I might not remember lol.

Tim Static

Shock said:
UMK3 at Evo will not happen until players start running regional tournaments for UMK3 like we do in the North East. It's just not going to happen. For now, I say we do what we tried to get people to understand through ultimatemk, and that's motivate, dedicate and coordinate. I really don't want to hear anything else, everyone knows where I stand. If you aren't interested in competition in person, you are just a spectator.

BTW, I dont think the idea is to have UMK3 or anyother MK at EVO, its having a special yearly thing just for MK. Either way, talk is cheap. Anyone can say all the things they want on a message board, but there are few who actually back it up.


Noncompliance to ASTM F 899-12 Standard
we should have a national MK day once per year and see how many people would come to it , picking some spot of course where most of the people live , keep it yearly on the same date and we could have our own mini evo;)
I'd like to see tournaments in the Southeast. I know if there was an Mk day once a year even if it was 13 hours away, I'd go. Nothing stops me from traveling 14+ hours for a big anime convention or Yu-gi-oh Nationals each year, which are usually always real far away from me. In fact I'll probably even go to the World Championship for Yu-gi-oh in August which is held in California this year.
With enough money and man power, this can be done. However, I agree that we need to start small and then build up. MK gets a bad rap. MK games and the community are looked down upon. The only respectful people are UMK3 players and the game itself. At least this is what I have perceived. Now the part about MK games being bad, there's really nothing we can do about that. The only thing we can do is tell them why they are good, or what good aspects they have. Like 9.95 said, education.

Another thing about education I thought would be nice is teaching. If more people knew how to play MK games, there would be a lot more interest. I am not suggesting everyone go out and find players and teach them individually, albeit you can do this. One idea is through YouTube. I saw this on SRK and thought it was a good idea. We can post match videos of top players, and put in commentary of the match. What's going on, what the players are trying to do, etc. For example what UltraDavid did for SFIV here:
Some tutorial videos would also be very helpful.

Another thing we can do is start hosting tournaments. Hosting them ourselves. MK would be the main titles, and we could have other games there as well. The problem is finding people in your area that likes MK. This can be done by visiting the various gaming websites. Such as MKU, MKE, CMK, SRK, etc. See what MK games they like/play.

As far as the big picture, Evo for MK, this is a goal we all should have. Hopefully, MK9 is good. If so, this may be a lot easier. In any case, keep the ideas coming.

And I was thinking of starting something in the southeast...
Awesome, what part of the southeast? perhaps I could help out. Maybe raise awareness and find new players. I could probably even post ads in the paper and online to see how many people in the southeast play, and even host small tournaments at my house.


yugimonz said:
Awesome, what part of the southeast? perhaps I could help out. Maybe raise awareness and find new players. I could probably even post ads in the paper and online to see how many people in the southeast play, and even host small tournaments at my house.
That would be great. I think the first thing to do is to talk to see who from the forums would go, then to look for local tournaments in your area, contact the director and see if you can bring UMK3 to the tournament and run it. I can supply you with a bracket program for that. Where in the SE are you from?
yugimonz said:
Awesome, what part of the southeast? perhaps I could help out. Maybe raise awareness and find new players. I could probably even post ads in the paper and online to see how many people in the southeast play, and even host small tournaments at my house.
Sounds good, do you happen to live in GA? That's where I live, and where I'd be setting something up at.
I'm in North East Alabama about an hour and a half away from Atlanta and 45 minutes away from Birmingham. I used to travel to Atlanta frequently for conventions and regional Yu-Gi-Oh tournaments, Birmingham is pretty dead now I think there was one anime convention last year or it may have been more local than that, don't remember. Yeah I think it would be a great idea to try and get some tournaments going on around the South East.


Arcade Tech
i live in nashville TN and idk anyone around that plays mk other than sushi, they have all the mk cabs at the arcade here,and they hold sf tournys every other week, if i could find some people around here im sure we could hold a mk tourny there
Hey I found that place on the internet about 1 week ago, I saw that they had mk cabs but no Tournaments. I'm guessing, hoping, that could be changed however. Would be sweet, I don't really know any umk3 players but I have a friend that digs on mk2. I'm sure they're around here somewhere they always kicked my ass in the arcades lmao!

Tim Static

GoldenOreos said:
i live in nashville TN and idk anyone around that plays mk other than sushi, they have all the mk cabs at the arcade here,and they hold sf tournys every other week, if i could find some people around here im sure we could hold a mk tourny there
Thats DreamTR's arcade, and dude was one of the best MKII players.....ever. Talk to him (his name is Jason Wilson). He'd love to get some MK love going :)


Arcade Tech
Tim Static said:
Thats DreamTR's arcade, and dude was one of the best MKII players.....ever. Talk to him (his name is Jason Wilson). He'd love to get some MK love going :)
anytime i mention mk to him all he says is its dead.....

Tim Static

GoldenOreos said:
anytime i mention mk to him all he says is its dead.....
work on getting people interested and show him they're is some interest. he has the cabs there, so use 'em!!! :D
Sweet! I'll start looking around my area for players unknown to me. Man it's been ages since I've played on a cab, lmao!


hopefully DreamTR brings a umk3 cab to MWC this year again. I heard he brings it every year but I havent been able to make it.

anyway don't they have umk3 at EVO as a side tourney every year? if you want more players just promote it more. but the thing is, Idk about u guys, but every time I talk to SRK friends about MK I get almost completely ignored lol.

EDIT: ok after further thinking, and reading the rest of this thread, I got some shitz to say.

As we all know the umk3 offline scene is currently dead and has been dead for a while. There may be a revitalizing of the scene on the way due to tourneys like NEC and SB4 being a success. You guys gotta think about it though, how are 2d fighting game scenes like SF4, BB, and HDR getting bigger? the convenience of online play, sites like this and umk.com to find local players/ tourneys which we have, and the convenience of learning and getting better not just by playing, but looking at information and tutorials on the web. (granted, the guys over at UMK.com did an excellent job providing a source for data).

UMK3 online is full of assholes and shit talkers. The fact that the game is fast paced, has a high random factor, and that you can mess up a reactionary punish easily makes people wanna rage. (hence the immense amount of ragequits) not to mention the sub par netcode. this game also needs an update like NO OTHER, and will probably never get one.
someone who may want to take this game seriously will be turned off by the terrible experience of playing this game online.
some ppl play on kaileria online and p2p but that scenes population is questionable. we need to get damdai to get umk3 on 2df if anything...

That being said, there are players like us who are dedicated to letting the scene grow.
...well maybe not me, Ive been trying to get on my 3s, marvel, tekken, and sf4 grind lately, but I do care about this game enough to travel, nonetheless.

What I want to do, since I recently got some nice video capture equipment, have an in-depth understanding of this game and its engine, and got some time on my hands, is make a series of tutorial videos. this video will be teaching 2d and 3d fighting game players, and general new players how to play this game from their POV. Ill show every chars BnB combos, various game situations that more advanced umk3 players know but might be confusing to new players, general character strats ( idk about this, Ill probably just point to umk.com 8)), and make comparisons between this game and other games I play and know, like 3s, sf4, tekken, and general Sf2 strats. and of course ima keep it real.

I know I'm not the best person to be doing this since im not a very skilled player by any means. im so average its not even funny. But I go by this motto "if you cant do, teach." quote so while Ill be steppin it up in other games, im gonna try and get more players to play this game at a higher level hopefully to the point where MK can get a major. A major of EVOs caliber is asking a LOT but a MK major getting decent numbers in the 100s with other fighters as side tourneys is something I can see. I got no exp tourney organizing, and there's already great info in text form out there, so this and teaching ppl in person are the only things I can do very well.

but yeah more talk about an actual tournament The first argument I would think of when I think of running a tournament for this game, is the port. To my knowledge, All the OGs are all like "WE HAVE TO PLAY ON AN ARCADE WITH STICKS!! THIS GAME IS UNPLAYABLE ON ANYTHING ELSE!!!" while the newer blood is all like " WELL FUCK, I SPENT ALL THIS TIME GETTING USED TO A FUCKING 360 PAD, IM PLAYING ON THIS SHIT!!!!" and kaileria players are just like the 360 players but replace "360 pad" with "ps2 pad". the best thing to do would be to try to get a cab with psx ports installed on the cab. is this even possible? i know its possible for games like Tekken since my local arcade is BIG into tekken and there's ps2 adapters on the tekken 4, 5.0, DR, and two tekken 6 cabs. iirc, NEC umk3 tournament was ran on mame, but I cant see a tournament ran on a laptops monitor being good from a spectators POV and getting much hype. and every game tourney needs hype to build a scene. look at fucking marvel lol. I wasnt at NEC tho and I don't know much about the UMK3 tourney there so I don't wanna speak out of turn. 360s would prolly be just fine tho. I'm pretty sure everyone who needs a stick for umk3 has one and with ps2 converters, that is the most versatile port. just throwin out ideas.

edit 2: didnt mean to type a fuckin essay in a edit lol I just don't feel like goin to sleep.