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Evo Championships 2024 in Las Vegas July 19th-21st - $30,00 Prize Pool

"The Evolution Championship Series (Evo for short) is the largest and longest-running fighting game tournaments in the world. During Evo's flagship event each year, players and fans gather to compete in open format tournaments that crowns World Champions.At Evo, you'll see established champions face off against unknown rivals. You'll find players who have only fought online building real-life friendships and rivalries. You'll find people new to fighting games discovering a culture turning them into life-long fans. Everything that makes fighting games special is at the heart of Evo, and it is all in one place at Evo 2024!"

Mortal Kombat 1 at Evo this year has 645 entrants which is just okay if you ask me. With the start of the game and Pro Komp just coming to an end, there wasn't much at stake for folks to come out of pocket for Evo. It will likely be a two day event however so if you planning to watch I would set Friday and Saturday aside for MK specifically. We will see cause I found this "All 8 official tournament finals will be featured on Evo's main stage." Once the stream schedule is out I will add it in here on where and when to watch. Once pools are released I will add them here as well.

For those familiar with the event, this year is going to be quite different as it is the first year in a long time that it will not be at Mandalay Bay, and is now in the Las Vegas Convention Center. This means more of a walk and further distance from the strip and airport which could effect the attendee experience but we will see. More space and I heard crazier productions are in store.

Are you going? Will you be watching?
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Rolled me and the boys' annual Vegas trip into an excuse to cross EVO off my bucket list. Even got my homie that's been following the scene with me since MK9 to sign up too.

Can't wait to show up, drown in pools, and then go on a bender in the Vegas summer heat :joker:
A year after it came out MKX had 713 entrants,only 68 more than MK12 had a year after it came out


And 3 years after MK11 came out it had 464 entrants (Evo 2020 and 2021 were cancelled due to Covid), 181 less entrants than MK12 had a year after it came out


This shows that by NRS Year 1 standards, MK12 is doing just fine if not better than average once we take MK9 and the IJ games into account
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If MK12 had come out shortly before Evo like the other two i'm sure we would've seen similar if not larger numbers than MKX/MK11 did in their first Evo but that is not the case, the game is in its second competitive season and a drop in players ALWAYS happens around this period
If only EVO hadn't been so damn expensive. I was actually planning on this being my first time going, but I can't be dropping that sort of money for my partner and I for just a 3-day weekend and a convention / tournament. With travel + hotel + meals + merch + everything else in mind too? Nope.

Anyway, sad to see the numbers on MK1 cause it's easily the best modern NRS game by a country mile imo. Ironic that this is the highest turnout competitive gaming event in the history of ever yet MK1 is looking rather rough.
This shows that by NRS Year 1 standards, MK12 is doing just fine if not better than average once we take MK9 and the IJ games into account
The overall number of gamers/and fgc members has increased a lot since 10 years ago. I think this should be reflected in MK12 tournament numbers. Very niche (albeit excellent and beautiful) games like Granblue, or Under Night did way better numbers wise. Shame, but I think one reason could be that MK1 had a terrible launch. I like to play the game a lot (I play it more than SF6) but I think it will require a large update to the game to restore brand confidence. A lot of potential tournament players maybe missed the MK scene entirely because the game was hated on launch. There wasn’t even a wifi filter in ranked - you’d have to run sets at 130 ping it was insane
The overall number of gamers/and fgc members has increased a lot since 10 years ago. I think this should be reflected in MK12 tournament numbers. Very niche (albeit excellent and beautiful) games like Granblue, or Under Night did way better numbers wise. Shame, but I think one reason could be that MK1 had a terrible launch. I like to play the game a lot (I play it more than SF6) but I think it will require a large update to the game to restore brand confidence. A lot of potential tournament players maybe missed the MK scene entirely because the game was hated on launch. There wasn’t even a wifi filter in ranked - you’d have to run sets at 130 ping it was insane
I agree that the rocky launch could've hurt these numbers but there is a general disdain for NRS games or anything MK in the FGC that imo is one of the main reasons the game can't seem to grow on there
It's on a higher level than even Smash hate, a lot of the FGC especially Anime Fighter players straight up look down on the MK scene and what kind of impression do you think that leaves on people new to the game? The elitism that games that don't stick by the norm like MK and KOF face (the latter might have it even worse tbh) is straight up ludicrous and hurts us greatly
Mechanics that are present in other fighting games such as Strings, Block Button, Desperation Supers (Fatal Blows) and more are brought up as negatives for MK when in other games they either don't mind or straight up praise
That's why i don't think the rocky launch would've affected the numbers that much, MK is simply hated by the FGC so even if NRS puts out a banger they'll make up some flimsy excuse not to try it out, the only way i could see it having a meteoric rise like the games you mentioned is if it simply does away with the gameplay elements that make it unique from other fighting games and at that point i'd rather the game stay niche
There might be some FGC groupthink around it, no doubt. But I’ve attended the big anime fighter weekly in Boston at Balance Patch (name of the venue on commonwealth ave), and they have a hard time getting sign ups for mk1. Their KOF brackets are pretty low turn out but still more popular than MK1. This is at a venue next to Boston university and other campuses, prime demographic to find fighting game players. Those MK1 sales should have translated to more interest in these weekly tournaments (the ones that run an MK bracket).
There might be some FGC groupthink around it, no doubt. But I’ve attended the big anime fighter weekly in Boston at Balance Patch (name of the venue on commonwealth ave), and they have a hard time getting sign ups for mk1. Their KOF brackets are pretty low turn out but still more popular than MK1. This is at a venue next to Boston university and other campuses, prime demographic to find fighting game players. Those MK1 sales should have translated to more interest in these weekly tournaments (the ones that run an MK bracket).
Give me details and we will make a local thread for it on here! Making a section just for locals because that is something we desperately need to come back
Give me details and we will make a local thread for it on here! Making a section just for locals because that is something we desperately need to come back
Here you go:

it’s called Fight Night Fridays I used to be a regular there til I moved to Toronto (just before mk1 released). There’s a lot of good anime fighting game players (Blazblue, xrd, +R, meltyblood) there and the local Tekken scene also runs half the room. People sign up to play multiple games it’s a total blast. There’s some equivalents in Toronto I’m sure but I’m not really from around here.
Certain people will make this as their ultimate argument moving forward to support their arguments into why MK1 is a bad game. Personally, I couldn't care less, and as long as you're having fun too, you shouldn't care either.

I'll continue being critical on the things I don't like, and I expect people to still tell me to go play other games because I'm not having fun with this one. That's ok too.

I'm looking forward to EVO, and what else NRS plans next for MK1.
When MK fans cite the ban on MK in many Asian markets as the reason for low entrant numbers in American tournaments, are they exaggerating the number of Japanese/korean players that come to the USA to play sf//tekken? Somehow I don’t think this number of players traveling from Asia is that big a portion of the total entrants to Evo. I presently have no official figures though to back it up I’ll have to try to do some maths if that data is available for past evos. My guess is it’s maybe 10% of the players there are international (not from the USA)