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Every time u do ranpher wit shang tsung he fucks it up


When u do randpher has shang tsung. he turns in som character turns back in 2 himself quickly. and again again

this dont happen if u use other characters on ranpher

any thoughts on this


Yeah. This glitch has been known for a long time.

You can temporarily fix the glitch if you can manage to do one of his morphs. But he may eventually drop back into Shang Tsung and the glitch will continue from there.

Plus if you are playing against someone good on randper, they'll just pressure you so you can't morph. If I get Shang via random select during casual matches, I just don't do the randper code. If you pick him for competitive purposes, and you're actually decent enough to make him competitive at all you probably won't be doing randper anyway.


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When a randper match starts with Shang, as long as he is in the Shang sprite he will morph back during the whole randper round. Apparently randper and morphing are somewhat linked which kind of makes sense. When you morph into another character, it will use the normal randper cycle properties until the traditional morph back property happens, making whatever character you are at that point to Shang, resuming the glitch.