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Strategy Ermac vs crouch blocking


Okay, appologies if this is a subject already covered, I couldn't fnd any threads relating to this, but i'd like some thoughts from the more seasoned players.

I've predominately used rush down characters in the past, even Sindel I use more as a rush down, so it's a bit of a surprise I would pick up Ermac.

I think he is a great punisher and he is superb at keeping opponents away. i have no problem laming out a Cage or a rush down happy Kitana, etc.

But sometimes you get cornered and need to fight your way out. It seems nearly all of Ermacs strings can be ducked or interupted. Is B114 the ONLY string that hits a crouch blocking character all the way through? I really wish the 3 in 31/312 would hit crouch blocking. His F114 can be interupted before the 4 hits.

What do you guys use if you need to fight out, or try and mix things up with getting in their face? I accept characters shouldnt have everything, but its crazy how the cast can basically just crouch against him with no fear.


Low Tier Fanatic
f2 hits them crouching too :)

I've made a list a long time ago;
312 hit crouch blocking on these chars:
Liu Kang, Stryker, Shang Tsung, Kenshi, Raiden

On the rest of the cast 1 whiffs, 2 hits on:
Scorpion. Sub0, Sindel, Ermak, Jade, Nightwolf, Cyrax, Noob, Smoke, Sonya, Kano, Baraka, Kabal, CSZ, Sheeva, Skarlet

(3)1,2 comepletely whiffs on the rest (but sometimes with specific spacing they can also hit, dem mk hitboxes).


My blades will find your heart
1,2,1 into throw works well I have found. You can also do a iaFB to knock them back as well.


Yeah im trying to get the knack of iaab. Instant air dive kicks with CSZ are integral to fighting D4 happy Mileena and Sonyas, ergo, iaab the same?

Right now it's like I dont want to use strings incase I just get whiffed and blown up. It's ridiculous. That said, I really like Ermac. He contols space so well. I feel the more he creeps ahead, the more the opponent gets flustered.

It's ridiculous that 312 works on some and not all. What will NRS say, that's the price of force push?


how to get out the corner.

-space yourself and use a lot of grabs wisely so that you can keep reseting the spacing without getting put in the corner.
-f2 set ups
-iafb, on block you have a good set up. On hit you have stagger and a potential grab.
-risky tkp/tks
-sweep ( his sweep is +2 on block)


PSN: Skkra
Get accustomed to using throws with Ermac more than any other character. It's ridiculously hard to break throws in this game anyways, and they're a key part of his game. I throw constantly.


I like to rush with a lot of my characters. I avoid infinites, and I try not to lame things out, but for some reason that all goes out the window with Ermac. I love zoning with this guy, I love to bait to max punish and i probably throw more with this character than anyone else. Even his throw is good, because like Sindels, it throws the opponent away from you. I've noticed this guy is pretty good against Cage and gasp, even Kabal.

If his 312 hit crouching blocking or his B3 was a true low, i'd like to get up close a bit more. But maybe that's the thing with Ermac, because his rush down isn't great, you have no choice but to have great spacing and reads.

Still, 312 hitting crouching low would be sooooo good :D


PSN: Skkra
If you make them block a jump-in punch, the 312 string jails them standing, if you didnt know that. Can at least help set up a 3,1~throw or whatever
b1,1,4 has some pretty good options. You can cancel into levitate on block and then airblast (safe if they keep blocking), teleport(very unsafe but will get you pressure if you hit them trying to stop your levitate, but you'll have to commit),or finish the ground pound(unblockable), it will hit confirm into about 40 percent, also you can dash out of the b1 and go for a throw attempt which can be pretty sneaky. It's not perfect but it gives you some options with that string at least.


b1,1,4 has some pretty good options. You can cancel into levitate on block and then airblast (safe if they keep blocking), teleport(very unsafe but will get you pressure if you hit them trying to stop your levitate, but you'll have to commit),or finish the ground pound(unblockable), it will hit confirm into about 40 percent, also you can dash out of the b1 and go for a throw attempt which can be pretty sneaky. It's not perfect but it gives you some options with that string at least.

When doing b1 into grab, dont dash just do the grab. It comes out faster and makes it look less obvious


u4 cancelled into lift works well on crouching opponents.

Sent from my jailbroken iPhone using a pirated copy of Tapatalk


Nope you can not link U4 into lift at all.

Here are all the moves you can link into lift on block.

Cancel Advantage (block)
1 - +19
1,2 - +14
1,2,1 - +26
2 - +25
2,2 - +25
3 - +18
3,1 - +19
3,1,2 - +13
3,3 - +18
4 - +17
D+1 - +1
D+3 - +2
D+4 - +26
B+1 - +12
B+1,1 - +16
B+1,1,4 - +25
B+3 - +18
B+3,4 - +17
F+1 - +14
F+1,1 - +15
F+1,1,4 - +24
F+4 - +13

Here are the ones you can link into lift on hit.

Cancel Advantage (hit)
1 - +25
1,2 - +46
1,2,1 - +30
2 - +24
2,2 - +30
3 - +21
3,1 - +25
3,1,2 - +56
3,3 - +35
4 - +35
D+1 - +15
D+1 (vs crouch) - +13
D+3 - +12
D+3 (vs crouch) - +19
D+4 - +32
D+4 (vs crouch) - +25
B+1 - +18
B+1,1 - +31
B+1,1,4 - +50, +48
B+1,2 - ≥+11
B+2 - ≥+17
B+2,1 - +38, +34
B+2,1,F+2 - +69, +57
B+2,B+1 - +61, +48
B+3 - +70, +59
B+3,4 - +74, +63
F+1 - +28
F+1,1 - +30
F+1,1,4 - +74, +57
F+4 - ≥+20


I was sure it did! Sorry for the misinformation. Maybe it was a "practice mode only" combo. IDK.

Thanks for the correction zaf

Sent from my jailbroken iPhone using a pirated copy of Tapatalk


I always felt that U4 cancelled into lift would be a great; if Quan-Chi can U3 + Trance why can't Ermac do something similar!

The 3 in 3,1,2 actually hits mid; it's the following 2 punches that wiff a crouching opponent and can easily be poked or uppercutted. However, an opponent with a high crouching hitbox will have to deal with all the hits in a crouch block position. This will force them to make good reads on the 3,1,2 pressure string as opposed to just waiting for the 1,2 and simply poking out.

B1,1,4 is a great option because it hits mid and has great push-back which can be followed up with specials such as a TKL / TKP (can be risky) or simply an instant air blast which prevents the opponent from closing in on you after the string. Once they start respecting the full string, you can have some fun and mix things up:

- B1, Throw
- B1, followed up by 1,2,1 or 3,1,2 pressure
- B1, followed up by F4
- B1,1,4 xx Throw (if you read that they will just stand block fearing a follow up special)
- Etc..........

1,2,1 is also very good option because only the first hit is a high (no one usually pokes on the first hit), it is safe on block, puts you at safe distance and can be followed up with a D3, instant air blast, etc.....

F2 is another great option because it covers a pretty good distance, hits mid and leaves you at +4 on block. You can follow up with a TKL (if the opponent doesn't know they are negative and tries to attack), you can also go in for a throw, D3 follow up or instant air blast once again.

As for being cornered, this is tricky because Ermac does not have any form of Armor apart from his X-Ray. When an opponent corners you they will always fear the TKP or IAB because it's his main "keep away" tools. This can be a downfall because if you're too TKP happy, you'll hit them on block, end up at -17 and eat a punish. However, this can be used to your advantage; if the opponent hesitates to attack expecting TKP / IAB, why not just dash up to them and go for the throw. You can forward throw for some breathing room or back throw to gain the corner advantage or retreat and have the entire length of the stage to start zoning once again. You can also advance and attack them with any of the above options.

If you feel an opponent is crouch blocking all day and you're getting nowhere, just keep throwing them. Throw at least 4 times in a round and when they get fed up, they will stop blocking, try to tech and you will gain more opportunities to hit confirm your combo starters and over 40% damage combos.