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What's up my fellow ermakis!

Today, after almost a month of development We proudly present tribute/combo video: "Ermac - Master of Disorientation".
Project was conceived with much love, dedication and passion and We dedicate it not only to fellow ermakenian kommunity, but to whole MK kommunity.
To our fellow Ermacs: We sincerely hope that you will find some new tech in "Master of Disorientation", but even if you won't, We hope you will enjoy the cinematic effect video tries to deliver.

We wish good luck to all Ermac mains at EVO. Make us proud.

Fun Facts №1: This project took 300gb of space on a SSD drive.

Fun Facts №2: This project was being worked on almost a month, requiring almost all of staff's free time. Some of the staff hand't played Mortal Kombat X for at least a month.

Fun Facts №3: There was much debate whether to hide HUD and DMG info or not. It was decided to hide it, due to PC version of MK being few patches behind, and damage indicator showing wrong/decreased amount of damage.

Fun Facts №4: Halfway into the project, PC version was updated, and camera mod that was being used stopped working. Had to improvise.

Fun Facts №5: Same patch broke training mode on PC version of the game. It was impossible to stay in a session for more than 5 minutes. Had to improvise.

Fun Facts №6: It took seven tries to render video, due to abundance of FX and software crashing to desktop. As a result, additional five more days were lost.

Fun Facts №7: Originally, there was third fight/encounter, in which Ermac had to place young Jacqui Briggs, daughter of Jackson Briggs, to her place. It had to be cut due to time and resource constraints.

Fun Facts №8: Team struggled on a choice of music. It was thought that such death metal band as "Arch Enemy" would alienate more casual music listeners. In the end, Arch Enemy's "Nemesis" lyrics and overall theme outweighed other possibilities.

Fun Facts №9: Team struggled with youtube's copyright notices for more than two days. Still struggling.

Fun Facts №10: Originally Spektral Ermac was also to be presented in "Master of Disorientation", but team didn't find anything to present.

Fun Facts №11: Boromir almost lost his job, due to working all night and showing up late at work. Sometimes missing or being absent for many days.

@Dope Dojo @zaf @RM Cossner @Afumba @Kindred @Metzos @Temjiin @insignis @Geoffmeister @14K @Tokiwartoothxdk @MKF30 @Shark Tank @VenomX-90 @Error @Qwark28 @Bombardier777 @SaltShaker @migosan @Harlequin969 @Insuperable @KamikazeJD @Bird Lao X @smokey @Big D @tataki @Braindead @GLoRToR @jharris @Enkindu @TurboTaco @haketh @Pig Of The Hut
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Good stuff dude, pretty fun video to watch. Also like the song choice, been a while since I heard Nemesis though.

NJP dash under into B1~teleport looks cool. Gunna mess around with this


Let Be Be Finale Of Seem
First I wanna say great video! Really well done and I love the different angles and the creative combos

The music, while not my type, worked because ermac's combos are quite fast paced and so is the song. Would've liked to see a song with specific high notes though because it opens the possibility for synching the video and the song, which adds to the flow.

The effect at 32 sec cluttered the screen a lot. The idea of showing many camera angles in one shot is doable but you can't leave spaces between the embedded videos because it becomes very distracting. A video called Tricking it 2 by shaolin productions did this well and even at some points, there is such a thing as too many angles.
A good alternative is how you showed the Xray at 1:11, where you cut to different angles, I loved that part.

Lastly, I love the color pallettes you chose and the slight glow added. It gave the clips this psychedelic quality :D Although at some points the color palette swaped for another one mid combo, which was kinda distracting.

Overall though, the criticism is overshadowed by the fact that this is still a fucking sick video lol
I used to make a lot of these types of video so I tend to analyze them in more detail :p


Good stuff dude, pretty fun video to watch. Also like the song choice, been a while since I heard Nemesis though.

NJP dash under into B1~teleport looks cool. Gunna mess around with this
i would suggest that you also check njp b1 into d1 sb, because it has double reverse properties. it starts from left (njp) then its right (b1) and then its reversed again into d1 and soul ball. This gives the opportunity to f*ck with the enemy's mind. Making it Left/right/left, whether NJP b1 into tp is >>> Left/Right/Right.
A video called Tricking it 2 by shaolin productions did this well and even at some points, there is such a thing as too many angles.
as a matter of fact the file that was created after rendering had amazingly balanced colors , only after uploading to youtube colored messed up. i dunno how to fix this. youtube always messes up colors. i can probably play with color enhancement tools youtube has in video manager, but im not sure it will help and im afraind it will botcher video even more.
Lastly, I love the color pallettes you chose and the slight glow added. It gave the clips this psychedelic quality :D Although at some points the color palette swaped for another one mid combo, which was kinda distracting.
this makes sense thank you i will take this into consideration.
thank you everyone, we are pleased you enjoyed it.


Great Video - love it.

Agree with Leviathan, they should use your video to showcase Ermac. Thanks for making this.


Always press buttons
This is really awesome stuff. Great editing plus there's new tech making it even cooler.
Really loved the cuts to MK9 Ermac mid combo


I've done many vids and tribulations, but this is my perfect work, my Magnum Opus and i'm tremendously proud of it.
Shameless bump in hopes to attract more souls to our vessel.