First hi everybody Im new in this forum and I'm learning a lot from you guys you know very well this punishment machine called Ermac...
But I have a little problem with this guy... in other fighting games some characters have advantage in some generic moves I mean I dont know if Scorpion (for example) have more potential to win in the air (you know if the 2 characters jump at the same time and pres kick at the same time maybe Scorpion was developed to win the kick over Ermac because is 1 frame more fast than Ermac´s kick or something like that) or all the characters have the same skills for this generic moves, in this game always one win never the 2 characters recive demage like other fighting games... I need know this to know if is good idea jump when I am fighting vs Scorpion or is best idea stay on de ground or I´m doing something wrog...
I hope you understand my question I still learning english...
But I have a little problem with this guy... in other fighting games some characters have advantage in some generic moves I mean I dont know if Scorpion (for example) have more potential to win in the air (you know if the 2 characters jump at the same time and pres kick at the same time maybe Scorpion was developed to win the kick over Ermac because is 1 frame more fast than Ermac´s kick or something like that) or all the characters have the same skills for this generic moves, in this game always one win never the 2 characters recive demage like other fighting games... I need know this to know if is good idea jump when I am fighting vs Scorpion or is best idea stay on de ground or I´m doing something wrog...
I hope you understand my question I still learning english...