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Enhanced Shadow Kick overpowered? Tom Brady answers!!!


Guardian of Outworld
Hi all,

I posted a question on a recent stream, the STBL Show, presumably, Silent Tom Brady Live. Mind you, great show - you can learn alot of in-depth info about various characters, their frames and strategies My props goes out to Tom Brady and Silent. These guys, are out there representing the MK community. For what they do, and the time they dedicate, they should be paid more.

You can find the exact question and answer in:

The STBL Show - Episode 8 at: http://www.justin.tv/s1lent1/b/289012305

My question occurs at 1:32:48 ~ 1:33:41

Here is the transcript:

Question: Do you guys view Johnny Cage's armour on his Enhanced Shadow Kick as over powered? Clearly NRS, wanted to give him something against the game's best zoners, but would this be overkill for his already even and favourable match ups?

Do you see this balance as fair?
(This is the question I officially posted)

Tom's Answer: No. No. It's fine. You know. It is kind of over powered in a way but everybody has bad matchups. Johnny Cage still has bad matchups. It just makes some of Johnny Cage's hard matchups not as hard. He still has some hard ones as well. I wouldn't call it, cause it still takes meter. It's not like he's throwing out armoured what ever he does.

My thoughts on the issue. The enhanced shadow kick isn't necessarily a free tool. It costs both meter and health. The health you lose when you go through a projectile, for example 7%. Though it could be anything to single hit enhanced projectiles. On hit, it knocks the opponent far away, and I think you'll still in lag for quite sometime afterwards. At best you close distance, two dashes. Landing it on a cornered opponent, you get lots of advantage from the knock down. It does 12% damage, but the adjusted difference puts you at around +5% or less, depending on what hit or projectile you absorbed.

Once Cage has that 1 bar of meter, he doesn't have any problems getting in. Against zoners, saves you alot of hard work, and chip damage, if you get a correct guess or read. After the knock down, you cover distance and everything is reset, unless they happen to be in the corner. Then its advantage you.
Now, to get that 1 bar against a zoner. Use your initial starting stock wisely, whiff unsafe specials till the cows come home, or wait till you lose 50% of your life. All this just to get in, and if your not careful, and they get out again. It's back to square one. Mind you, you can just proceed with your dash-blocking game.

Over powered? We'll let users be the judge of that.

Thanks again for your time Tom and Silent. Cheers.

GNG Iniquity

#bufftaquito #punchwalk #whiffycage
I don't think the EX shadow kick is overpowered, nor Nightwolf's EX shoulder. I however think NRS are colossal buffoons for giving Reptile projectile armor on his acid hand and nerfing his armor on his x-ray.

Reptile has far worse matchups than Sub and Noob, which are the only practical uses of that armor.


Arez | Booya | Riu48 - Rest Easy, Friends
EX shadow kick knocks back too far to put Cage in any sort of advantageous position if you're not in the corner. He can't just stroll up and pressure like Nightwolf can.


Who hired this guy, WTF?
EX shadow kick knocks back too far to put Cage in any sort of advantageous position if you're not in the corner. He can't just stroll up and pressure like Nightwolf can.
This. I feel like If my EX shadow kick is blocked, I know I'm going to get punished.