Something interesting I found out about Kano is that if you end a lot of BNB's with uppercut in the corner, the uppercut keeps them there rather than punching them out the corner.
For example, 212, 212, uppercut or B112, 212, uppercut.
However this only works if the second part of the string backs them into the corner, not the first part. For example, if you start the whole combo when they are about sweep range from the combo, the first part will push them into the corner, the second part keeps them there, then you can uppercut. If you start either of these when the opponent is flat against the wall, this wont work (if any of this makes sense) and you'll knock them out.
A few of you are probably already aware of this and I know Shang has something similar but so far i've found no way to combo off of the uppercut.
I find stuff like this interesting because its enabling your character to do something it shouldn't be able to do, for example how Sheeva can low grab a character in a juggle if they were ducking when they were launched. While this isn't new tech at all, it leads me to ask if there is something else that can be done in this situation, giving him new set ups and so forth.
For example, 212, 212, uppercut or B112, 212, uppercut.
However this only works if the second part of the string backs them into the corner, not the first part. For example, if you start the whole combo when they are about sweep range from the combo, the first part will push them into the corner, the second part keeps them there, then you can uppercut. If you start either of these when the opponent is flat against the wall, this wont work (if any of this makes sense) and you'll knock them out.
A few of you are probably already aware of this and I know Shang has something similar but so far i've found no way to combo off of the uppercut.
I find stuff like this interesting because its enabling your character to do something it shouldn't be able to do, for example how Sheeva can low grab a character in a juggle if they were ducking when they were launched. While this isn't new tech at all, it leads me to ask if there is something else that can be done in this situation, giving him new set ups and so forth.