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El Amanecer Reventadero 2009! MKK tourney results + vids!

MKK hanzo


Didnt knew where to post, enjoy guys and girls. ;)


3S, TMNT, ST and T5 DR tourneys didnt took place cause there were no time left to put them out and also their participation was very low.

Here we go:

**Ultimate MK 3 Xbox 360 event 5 vs 5:

Teams Valencia vs Puerto Cabello

Pto Cabello Team:

RZP (captain)

Valencia Team:

MKK hanzo (Captain)


Brunevil took out Shadowmaster
Matute took out Brunevil
Homero took out Matute, Humberto and Josther
RZP took out Homero, Mauro and Otto
Hanzo took of RZP for the winning match, last set, last round.

Winner Team: VALENCIA

**Mortal Kombat Trilogy N64:

19 entries


1) Pedro "MKK hanzo" (Valencia)
2) Rhodick "RZP" (Pto Cabello)
3) Francisco "Punisher" (Barquisimeto)
4) Ricardo "Matute" (Pto Cabello)

**Street Fighter 4 PC:

16 entries


1) Pedro "MKK hanzo" (Valencia)
2) Antonio "Kusanagi" (Caracacas)
3) Rafael "Fusco" (Caracas)
4) Bruno "Brunevil" (Valencia)

**Tekken Tag Tournament:

8 entries


1) Gregorio "Kuma Power" (Caracas)
2) Rafael "Fusco" (caracas)
3) Ismael "Piripicho" (Caracas)

**Tekken 6:

24 entries


1) Ismael "Piripicho" (Caracas)
2) Ivin Pinto (Pto. La Cruz)
3) Rafael "Fusco" (Caracas)

Thx to Alexis Hip Hop for the Tekken results, and to the MKK Team, SF Latino and Tekken Rules gaming comunnities for putting out a so awesome event!

Videos online!

UMK 3 5 vs 5:

Part 1:

Part 2:

Part 3:

Final Part:

MK Trilogy Grand Finals:

SF 4 grand finals:

Part 1:

Part 2:

Last Part:

Tekken vids soon.

MKK hanzo

ScheissNussen said:
Very good tourney coverage. Awww poor Matute, you'll get 'em next time buddy.
You guys should stream ;)

(Where is kAn!!?)

Soultaker was there!?
Sup Scheisse? Thx for the props.

That Soultaker is another player from Vzla. Same nick maybe hehe.

LOL at Matute.

Kan couldnt attend cause he was at finals those days.

Hope you like the vids!


good stuff hanzo, i need to learn that cyrax combo at the beginning :)

hey what does el amancer reventadero translate to? el is the......amancer is player, right?......its been a while since i took spanish class lol!!

MKK hanzo

RollTide8569 said:
good stuff hanzo, i need to learn that cyrax combo at the beginning :)

hey what does el amancer reventadero translate to? el is the......amancer is player, right?......its been a while since i took spanish class lol!!
Hehehe The Bursting Dawn or something like that but use the "bursting" in like "tiring" or "wasting" for someone who has to endure all the fight all night.