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Question - Tanya Edenian Drill Fatality


How do you guys do the Edenian Drill fatality? I can almost never get it. I tried it with the holding block trick, I tried to input the bbff 4 during a run...none of them are consistent. This is def the most annoying input for a fatality in the game!:mad:


I don't play Tanya, but with the holding block trick, you are certain that you're releasing block before pressing 4?

(blk) bbff (release) 4
if that doesn't work,

(blk) bbf(release)f4 might do the trick

Just sharing because I didn't realize you had to let go of block before the last input until someone told me. Thought it might possibly be the same for you


Your halo is mine.
How do you guys do the Edenian Drill fatality? I can almost never get it. I tried it with the holding block trick, I tried to input the bbff 4 during a run...none of them are consistent. This is def the most annoying input for a fatality in the game!:mad:
lol all you have to do is hold block, input bbff, then let go of block and as soon as you let go of block, press 4 :p

You get used to it xD


I don't play Tanya, but with the holding block trick, you are certain that you're releasing block before pressing 4?

(blk) bbff (release) 4
if that doesn't work,

(blk) bbf(release)f4 might do the trick

Just sharing because I didn't realize you had to let go of block before the last input until someone told me. Thought it might possibly be the same for you

lol all you have to do is hold block, input bbff, then let go of block and as soon as you let go of block, press 4 :p

You get used to it xD
I do exactly that , I keep getting a standing 4 or spin kick :(lol


Buff George
I space the inputs as so -

Bb Ff 4. Give it an extra second in between the spacing of these inputs.

Works for me everytime.


Positive Poster!
Hold BLK
Release BLK
Make sure to release the block the same second as you press 4.
100% success.


New Patch!!!
I used to do
How do you guys do the Edenian Drill fatality? I can almost never get it. I tried it with the holding block trick, I tried to input the bbff 4 during a run...none of them are consistent. This is def the most annoying input for a fatality in the game!:mad:
bb pause ff4 and it worked without holding blk....... before patches tho.... I dropped her after pyro feel off the map


Designer for BxA
Fatality Practice Room?

In all seriousness though if you do the inputs slower it will work. I think a lot of people get too flustered with the fatality timer. Just take your time with it.