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Eddy Pistons


Eddy Pistons and Jop

I'm not sure exactly who this guy is but from what I have researched about him, he appears to be a fairly successful Tekken player. This surprised me at first because you'd think that in order to be successful at a fighting game you'd have to be atleast somewhat intelligent, yet Eddy Pistons can play his game well, and at the same time make rude and uneducated blanket statements regarding a whole community such as "Mortal Kombat players are trash." And trying to justify why it was okay for Jop to put an entire game on blast at EVO, the biggest stage MK has been on.

I understand that MK has it's problems and anybody with a mind is very familiar with them. But this is the problem with Jop or Eddy Pistons planing to do what they were going to do. (They were going to read a speech explaining why, in their opinion, Mortal Kombat sucked if Jop won EVO, on the main stage.)

It's tactless and completely and utterly the wrong time and place to do something like that. Why? Because by doing that they would be dismounting the game in front of its largest audience, giving food to those who blindly hate it and quite possibly ruin a bright future for Mortal Kombat. I don't give a shit if Jop is salty about losing to a Kabal block infinite or complaining about Mileena's d4, he has absolutely no right to do that.

The thing is, I'm not sure if Jop or Eddy Pistons realize this. The problem is that they either *DO* realize this and don't care, or they disagree which renders them disgustingly retarded. Like I said, MK9 has it's problems but there is a time and a place to discuss those.

A time and place that does NOT include the EVO stage.

Plus what, according to Eddy Pistons we're all trash? Oh and Reo is trash? Reo, one of the most intelligent people I have met not only because of what input he has to give, but also because of what is displayed when he plays a game. This may be unwarranted but I am willing to bet that Reo is more talented of a fighting game player than two Eddy Pistons or Jops put together. A bold statement? Sure, but that's my bet.

Now Tom, I have a feeling you may read this because of the thread title, and I want to clarify this has nothing to do with you. I have always and always will respect what you have done for the community and never once had I hated on you and always have I supported you whenever I could, but Jop and Eddy Pistons either want this game to go or aren't the most intelligent people around, or both. And also, people like Reo for a reason, because he's actually an active part of this community.

Perfect Legend is not MY champion because Perfect Legend is not an ACTIVE MEMBER OF MY COMMUNITY. On top of that he picked Kung Lao and opposed to what, Mileena and her D4? That's another thing, according to Eddy Pistons Reo is trash but Perfect Legend using Kung Lao is okay? Get the fuck out of here with that putridly stupid bullshit, only a couple of times in my life have I heard something so completely and utterly dumb.

Nobody, especially a babbling idiot has any right to call my community who I have grown to love "Trash" nor try to dismantle the game on an enormously large stage just because they are aware, just like everyone else of the problems in the game. If he has a fucking problem then he needs to take it somewhere that's not EVO.

PND OmegaK

Drunk and Orderly
I can't fathom in my mind why Tom is friends with a person, who would go out of their way to destroy the small reputation MK has built up over the past 3 months and plunder it into dust for another good 2 or 3 years. Especially considering MK is pretty much Tom's life from what I hear him talk about on stream.

Of course I don't know everything that went on or if it's actually true at all... but JOP was playing MK just for tom, so you have to respect him for that.


i'm getting a really bad feeling about whats been happening the last few days...

i'm just listening to the show right now and i don't think he meant the whole mk community is trash, but just the people who are going too far and making his friends life (tom) hard for him for no good reason. you know it's gone too far when your former employers (and potential future employers) say negative things about you when your so called fans take things out of context and toy with your life. these kind of people exist in every community unfortunatley and because of this it's driving away one of the most important people that is vital for this community and it's completely understandable that tom feels the way he does. tom and eddie are slightly overeacting when they said pl and jop were being hated on. everyone will get booed at some point.

i definitley agree with that jop and should voice those kind of opinions in a more appropriate setting but when did he even do this or are you taking things out of context? from what i heard on the show from tom is that it wasn't even jop and jop has only talked about the core issues with the game. i'm only halfway through the show so i apologise if i'm wrong about something.

as tom pleaded on the show, people can't take things out of context like this as there will be consequences.

A F0xy Grampa

Problem X Promotions
I really dont see their problem, if they cant figure out how to beat shit surely theyre 'trash'. EVERYTHING that those asswipes were complaining about is beatable by something else. Sure theres a few bugs here and there but whatever.

And who is JOP to go and talk crap about MK, he may have came 3rd at EVO but that doesnt mean hes good enough to talk that way, I know loads of players that are way more cabable than he is to overcome the shit he hates on.

Or did anybody see him blately lose a game due to a bug?


haters gonna hate. "you sit with that trash you stay with that trash" - eddy pistons speaking to brady sitting with the true MK fans. tom "d4 is broken" brady get out of here with that shit. mileena d4 is a day one tactic that anyone with any character should be used to by now. Play the game and quit your bitching texas.


haters gonna hate. "you sit with that trash you stay with that trash" - eddy pistons speaking to brady sitting with the true MK fans. tom "d4 is broken" brady get out of here with that shit. mileena d4 is a day one tactic that anyone with any character should be used to by now. Play the game and quit your bitching texas.
People like Jop and Eddy Pistons are one reason why I'm going to start going to tournaments and begin winning tournaments with my small 5 month experience of the competitive fighting game scene.

If I meet either of them I'll let them know exactly what I think of them.


I've known EP for a very long time, back when I brought SC2 to Dallas, and calling something trash or garbage is almost like a term of endearment for him. If something were absolutely beneath him, he wouldn't even take time to address it.

JOP is the only person I've met, even if a couple of times, that can literally break any fighting game he plays down to its core elements. I don't think there is a single fighting game out there he couldn't be tournament level competitive on if he felt the game was good enough. I would definitely trust his opinion if he says there are problems that need to be addressed.

That being said, the fact they are even playing the game means there is a part of them that feels the game has potential to be a competitive game, but NRS really needs to replace the duct-tape that's holding this game together with something more durable before it completely falls apart.

On a side note: These guys don't need me defending them, they are quite capable.


I've known EP for a very long time, back when I brought SC2 to Dallas, and calling something trash or garbage is almost like a term of endearment for him. If something were absolutely beneath him, he wouldn't even take time to address it.

JOP is the only person I've met, even if a couple of times, that can literally break any fighting game he plays down to its core elements. I don't think there is a single fighting game out there he couldn't be tournament level competitive on if he felt the game was good enough. I would definitely trust his opinion if he says there are problems that need to be addressed.

That being said, the fact they are even playing the game means there is a part of them that feels the game has potential to be a competitive game, but NRS really needs to replace the duct-tape that's holding this game together with something more durable before it completely falls apart.

On a side note: These guys don't need me defending them, they are quite capable.
Yeah that's all fine and Dandy Rev but still says nothing about anything I posted. I mean it's absolutely irrelevant in regards to either of them in any way shape or form planning to say negative things about this game at EVO. Like I said, EVO is about the farthest place from where anything like that should take place.

And I already said there were problems with this game. This isn't some hidden knowledge, everyone knows that and believe me I don't need Jop to know that MK has problems myself. That was never the issue, the issue was how he went about it. Do they need to be fixed? Obviously.

Is EVO the place to point them out, on the grand stage? Uh, no.

Also so what, I'm supposed to be endeared by Eddy calling me and my community trash? Smells like a pile of dogshit to me. Plus just because Jop is able to "Break a game down to its core." (You apparently know this even though you've only met him a few times.) Doesn't excuse him from being a moron or harming any fighting game period.

Actions speak louder than words Rev.

Tim Static

I can't fathom in my mind why Tom is friends with a person, who would go out of their way to destroy the small reputation MK has built up over the past 3 months and plunder it into dust for another good 2 or 3 years. Especially considering MK is pretty much Tom's life from what I hear him talk about on stream.

Of course I don't know everything that went on or if it's actually true at all... but JOP was playing MK just for tom, so you have to respect him for that.
Just wanted to interject something about this post.

Had it not been for the work of Shock, 9.95, summoning, Dark Rob, Sweet Johnny Cage and the NE crew, along with myself and now Lucky Day & others- the competitive scene that was built off of what we did with UMK3 before MK9 was ever seen or announced is about the biggest reason the MK competitive scene had any respect and exposure (along with making new fans and gaining respect from the FG community from all over the place) and put this newest MK game in the drivers seat to take it where it has been and will go. The road was already paved, and it was set because of what had been going on over the last 3-5 years from what was started over at UltimateMK.com.

just fyi :coffee:

What i dont get is if people think this game is such "Trash" then why bother playing it? Sounds like people just need attention. :popcorn1:
I know I'm way late to the party, but I'm intrigued on the condition of this community.

From my understanding reading this thread, I take away that JOP, was going to go on a rant on stage why MK(9) is horrible if he had won EVO? Correct?

I'm also getting a vibe that Tom Brady doesn't like Mileena's D+4, so he was bashing MK?

I don't know what went on with 'that' podcast everyone is speaking of, and I do not have sound ATM so I can't even listen to it, so a fill in would be welcomed.

Hopefully MK community can become strong, but it seems behind close doors it's looking like some corrupt politician shit.


In any competitive game of any genre you will have people like this. I'm not worried for Mortal Kombat, I just found it excessively distasteful that a person would try to derail a community in front of its largest audience.

This isn't the community though, this is a few people and a minority. We still have wonderful people who care about MK and who care about growing the scene. They're all over and we way outnumber those in the community who would try to hurt the scene.
In any competitive game of any genre you will have people like this. I'm not worried for Mortal Kombat, I just found it excessively distasteful that a person would try to derail a community in front of its largest audience.

This isn't the community though, this is a few people and a minority. We still have wonderful people who care about MK and who care about growing the scene. They're all over and we way outnumber those in the community who would try to hurt the scene.
Honestly, I dont think it would have hurt to community as much as it would have made him look like an idiot.
Think about it, here is a guy who spends hours and days practicing (enough to compete). Then he wins the Biggest Fighting game Tourney in the world, then goes on a Rant to bash the game he just won? He would have looked like a walking contradiction! People play cause they have fun, not because of what other people think.


Honestly, I dont think it would have hurt to community as much as it would have made him look like an idiot.
Think about it, here is a guy who spends hours and days practicing (enough to compete). Then he wins the Biggest Fighting game Tourney in the world, then goes on a Rant to bash the game he just won? He would have looked like a walking contradiction! People play cause they have fun, not because of what other people think.
People play for the money and as the person who won the tournament, the general public watching MK9 would have respected his opinion. His opinion would have negatively impacted the game, maybe not on a huge scale but regardless.


Come On Die Young
So, I'm the one who brought this up in the chat during the show which got Silent and Tom to start talking about it. I want to say I don't know if it's actually true. I know JOP was being a bit of an MK whiner at Evo, but I only heard about the "written statement" from 16bit in the VSM chat last thursday. He could've been exaggerating or had false information, and Tom seems to believe that didn't happen.


Well if it's not true, I'm man enough to eat my words but the concept of it was enough to set me off.

So I'll apologize in advance if it's false.
Only thing I know is on the last STBL show were all this was going down... Silent stood up for MK9 at all cost, and I give him all the respect in the world for that!
People play for the money and as the person who won the tournament, the general public watching MK9 would have respected his opinion. His opinion would have negatively impacted the game, maybe not on a huge scale but regardless.
I have to respectfully disagree. People may play the game they like to win money, But I dont think people play any game to just get money.
I dont like Tekken, so I am not going to spend hours and days playing a practicing to win money playing it. I think his speech may have influenced people who havent played the game and were thinking about starting, but I think the core of players know the issues, complain about them, but still play cause the game is fun and the scene is pretty hype right now. I dont think simple words would have had much impact. There are enough bad words floating around the community to kill peoples expectations as it is. Anyway, just my opinion

16 Bit

Mash d+1~Cat Claws
Premium Supporter
NetherRealm Studios
So, I'm the one who brought this up in the chat during the show which got Silent and Tom to start talking about it. I want to say I don't know if it's actually true. I know JOP was being a bit of an MK whiner at Evo, but I only heard about the "written statement" from 16bit in the VSM chat last thursday. He could've been exaggerating or had false information, and Tom seems to believe that didn't happen.

I wish I hadn't said anything because I don't want to be involved in this drama. I heard Tom say it wasn't true and Eddy said it was him. I take their word for it.

JOP was very critical of MK, that I heard first hand. More of a hater than Tom lets on. BUT in his defense, he is willing to back up his criticism. Also like I said on VSM chat, JOP hates every modern fighting game. It's not just MK. He doesn't even like the new Tekken games.

BTW about PL...it's unfair to say he isn't part of our community. He may not post here much but he's a good guy when you meet him at tournaments.