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ECT Results Thread: Now 95% Spoiler Free

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Pig Of The Hut

Day 0 Phenomenal Dr. Fate and Darkseid player
Tournament ruined for me

I can't spell, so I clicked on "spoilers" and would you get this............the top8 was told to me in plain daylight so now even if I wanted to Rewatch the tournament there's no point

Thanks @RM Indecisive thanks A LOT

Guess I'll goto Espn and read about sports now because they would never spoil Saturday scores for me today. Where's Jynx when u need him


We'll burn you all—that is your fate!
Tournament ruined for me

I can't spell, so I clicked on "spoilers" and would you get this............the top8 was told to me in plain daylight so now even if I wanted to Rewatch the tournament there's no point

Thanks @RM Indecisive thanks A LOT

Guess I'll goto Espn and read about sports now because they would never spoil Saturday scores for me today. Where's Jynx when u need him
Thank you for sharing your opinion :)

Paul the Octopus

Slow Starter
I don't particularly care either way, but to be fair, I don't think it hurts anyone to *not* spoil results in the title of threads (by the way, I'm pretty sure the request is no spoiler in the titles only, in the rest of the thread/comments it's obviously ok).

Even if it's only a small number of people on this web site who don't want spoilers, at least it's an improvement for that small group. The cost of it is zero, as the rest of TYM probably doesn't care at all, so it's a net gain overall.

The only reason to keep this as it was before is that "it was always done this way," which is rarely a good reason for anything.

By the way, no spoilers in thread titles is also how it's done on Eventhubs - the main site for Street Fighter results. It's not as if this is a weird request.
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Why do people act like this is a one way street by leaving out any names in thread titles. I log on to see who won the tournament in the title if I don't have time to read the write up. It's dumb that I should have to scroll through the inevitable write up in the first post to see who won the tourney. Also, why do people use event hubs as a point of reference , TYM has had the winners name in the title for years . Like every tourney since the days of MK9

Edit: I enjoy the reading write ups but I rather know the result of if I only have a second to log on.


The Fantasy is the Reality of the Mind
If you give me the Top 8 YT video, I'll know for sure. There is the real deal of hype. :)

BTW, mind if you guys stop with the spoiler silliness? What happened was the bullshit between HomeLee, Braindead and Jynks.
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