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easy bosses


did the developers intentionally make the last 2 bosses so easy to beat..a person can easily use barakas little blade fury attack the entire game and win.. and especially scorpions spear crouch jab spear on kintaro. i remember this being true in the arcade as well. like wen i was younger i could use reptiles acid spit on noob saibot everytime and never get hit...was this intentional???
Yeah from what I heard Kintaro is very hard for most people. I think one mag or website voted him the toughest fighting game boss or something. He's pretty tough for me cause I don't have the timing down for the JK over and over strategy.


it may be going a bit off course, but as far as difficult bosses go, eyedol from ki1 was my nemesis.. i had to pick cinder hit him once and fly from side 2 side til the clock ran out.
Yamaraja said:
Yeah from what I heard Kintaro is very hard for most people. I think one mag or website voted him the toughest fighting game boss or something. He's pretty tough for me cause I don't have the timing down for the JK over and over strategy.
Kintaro is a pussy once you get your JK timing down. He's helpless, defenseless, and if you're good enough you can easily double flawless him. I usually flawless him once and fuck it up the other round and barely win on danger, but when my timing is top notch I've double flawlessed him.


Jump at Kintaro, WAIT for him to roar, then Kick.

It's the same as using a Deep JK, easy (flawless) vistory. :sleepy:


PvP is where all the fun is. I find with Kintaro if you do it right, a correctly timed jump kick, ie. towards the end of your flight, will connect then you need only take a step back and jump kick again, if you do it right he will keep trying to uppercut but fail. Also against computer opponents, I just keep backing up against the wall and if you just jump back they will walk right into your kick, there are a thousand things like this, its picking apart human opponents thats fun.
jesse89202 said:
I agree, but if you want them harder go to setting and change it to "hard."
Actually this gameplay was occured in a very hard difficulty ;) The matter is that different difficulty almost do n't change bosses behaviour.
Comon2680 said:
Actually this gameplay was occured in a very hard difficulty ;) The matter is that different difficulty almost do n't change bosses behaviour.
The difficulty doesn't change the bosses' AI at all, actually, nor that of secret characters or most of the regular staff. The difference between very easy and very hard is that the first 4 characters are easy on VE, then they become difficult. On VH, the first char starts out hard. Easy = first 3 easy, Medium = first 2 easy, Hard = first one easy.
I didn't know such nuances. Tnx for an explanation. Though the difficult mode more correct on consoles, whether such as SNES or Genesis, not so? I remember, to finish all MK2 for ex. on Genesis it was hell difficult!